“Unlike patented pharmaceuticals, which are now the leading cause of death from drug overdose, there have been no recorded deaths from marijuana overdose in the US. By comparison, alcohol causes 30,000 deaths annually, and prescription drugs taken as directed are estimated to kill 100,000 Americans per year.” Ellen Brown.
“Four kilometres of tunnels sit unused under the CBD’s Albert Park, with plans to develop them into underground bars, restaurants and even a glow worm cave.” Reports Newshub:
A US couple’s decision to take photos of their young children at bath time resulted in a decade-long legal battle after they were accused of child pornography.
Military analyst, The Saker, takes a look at war or no war in 2018; neocons back in power; neocon threats to the rest of the world; National Security Strategy of the US; US broadside against Pakistan;
The door to the principal’s office opened suddenly. Mercy Álvarez turned and watched a Miami-Dade Schools Police officer enter to take her 7-year-old son into custody. Pain pierced her heart when her son was handcuffed. “Do not worry, my love,” she muttered to him, her voice choked with tears.
There are new links on www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz to alert people to legislation that appears to be intended to phase out access to copper landline services in at least some parts of NZ.
“We have the capacity to inflict severe damage on natural processes, yet we can seldom do much to restore wholeness…beyond all the physical injury we may have inflicted, the greatest damage is the dishonor that we have paid to the Earth…The world we live in is an honourable world. To […]
“If you worked for a federal agency that was killing people at the rate of 100,000 a year, every year, like clockwork, and if you knew it, wouldn’t you feel compelled to say or do something about it?” John Rappoport
Amidst much media hype, New Zealand has launched it’s own “Secret Payload”: A big disco ball. To the consternation of astronomers and UFO spotters alike:
The Olympic Games always seem to provide plenty of Illuminist And NWO rituals, messages and symbolism. Usually with a Globalistic fusion theme. The focus this time around is on the relationship between North and South Korea. Whatever is on the agenda, the “Dear Leader” is certainly engaging in the game. […]