THE sun could have been born with an ‘evil twin’ responsible for some of the deadliest extinction events in Earth’s history. By Sean Martin Scientists have been working on a hypothesis which suggests that the majority of stars are formed in a binary system, meaning there would be more than […]
Personally, I think this is not so much a British 9/11 as a case of corruption by maintenance neglect of an old building. Nevertheless, the correlation with Ramadan observance was a fortunate coincidence (not that this wasn’t catastrophic enough): JAMES LEMON Last updated 12:25, June 15 2017 Muslim residents of London’s […]
Source: neon nettle An investigation into The Clinton Foundation by a financial analyst from Harvard University has revealed fraud on a “monumental scale”, according to reports. Charles Ortel claims to have evidence that Bill and Hillary Clinton have committed the largest case of charity fraud in American history.Ortel, one of the […]
Wednesday, June 14, 2017 by: Ethan Huff (Natural News) The internet is buzzing with chatter about a new Facebook “feature” that allegedly peers into smartphone users’ eyes to detect their emotional states. The social media giant has reportedly filed a patent for the new technology which, should it be officially […]
Flint, MI — (RT) Michigan’s attorney general has filed new, more serious charges of involuntary manslaughter against five officials in the Flint Water Crisis investigation, among them the head of Michigan’s health department. Heath chief Nick Lyon was charged with two felonies, involuntary manslaughter and misconduct in office, for failing […]
Thank you Larry Battis ~ from email (Via Rose at This is an extract from an article that will be posted in Veterans Today this coming Saturday, June 17, by Bob Nichols’. Please look for his update if you live anywhere around this area. Amarillo and Points East and […]
Interesting comments on the rise of the “Authentic Left”, the appeal to Youth, reducing the power of the far Right, and the rise of Sanders, Mélenchon and Corbyn: Dimitris Konstantakopoulos CounterPunch Wed, 14 Jun 2017 21:11 UTC © Garry Knight The other day a friend almost told me off when […]
Interesting perspective on the whole Trump/Comey/Russian collusion scenario: “The Democrats are not fighting Trump over his assault on health care, his attacks on immigrants, his militaristic bullying around the world, or even his status as a minority president who can claim no mandate after losing the popular vote. Instead, […]
It must be wonderful being Vladimir Putin and being the most powerful person on earth. And not even have to say so yourself. The US Democratic Party is saying it for Putin along with the entirety of the Western presstitute media and the CIA and FBI also. The Russian media […]
Despite President Donald Trump’s bold proclamation that a North Korean nuclear missile capable of hitting the US “won’t happen,” Kim Jong Un appears to be well on his way to an intercontinental ballistic missile that can flatten Washington faster than many thought he could. But a nuclear-armed North Korea wouldn’t […]