Interesting report from SGT expresses what many are no doubt feeling. Has Trump been swallowed by “The Swamp”? It seems to me that the Illuminated Elite are still in charge. Some presidents are members or willing accomplices, others reluctant or unwitting. Whatever, it seems “the Plan” marches on regardless, inevitably […]
Interesting story/hypothesis: By Taxi In a recently published article, Gilad Atzmon wondered where the concepts of ‘chosenness’ and a ‘vengeful god’ come from. Here below, I posit a plausible answer to his poignant questions. * * * * * * Imagine it’s four thousand years ago and you are the […]
Australia beckons a war with China John Pilger Wed, 12 Apr 2017 00:25 UTC © Bowen Press Australia is sleep-walking into a confrontation with China. Wars can happen suddenly in an atmosphere of mistrust and provocation, especially if a minor power, like Australia, abandons its independence for an “alliance” […]
WikiLeaks: The Afghan Tunnels the US Just Bombed — “They were built by the CIA” Jack Burns Free Thought Project Fri, 14 Apr 2017 00:00 UTC As The Trump administration is flexing its military muscle, having stood up to Syria and its ally Russia, and while it’s now relishing in […]
For historical interest and reference. Fascinating interview: Keyhoe was famously cut off during an interview on television in the early 50’s (referenced in this later interview). The UFO research organisation NICAP, which Keyhoe led, had CIA operatives hidden within the ranks, as the Freedom of Information Act has since revealed. The CIA […]
The Hill The U.S. military dispatched two F-22 stealth fighters late Monday to intercept a pair of Russian bombers near Alaska, according to a Pentagon official. The official told The Washington Examiner Tuesday the Air Force’s jets visually identified the Russian vehicles as TU-95 “Bear” long-range bombers. The American jets briefly flew […]
Want to understand the Deep State? Here is your Deep, Deep State Apr13 by Jon Rappoport Want to understand Deep State? Here is your Deep, Deep State by Jon Rappoport April 13, 2017 Men behind the curtain? Men who control the government and its policies from the outside? Men who have […]
Is That Armageddon Over The Horizon? April 12, 2017 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: | Print This Article Is That Armageddon Over The Horizon? Paul Craig Roberts The insouciance of the Western world is extraordinary. It is not only Americans who permit themselves to be brainwashed by CNN, […]
For those who think the Arctic ice is not melting March 24, 2017 Announcents page, Paul Craig Robert’s BlogSpot: Apocalypse Tourism? Cruising the Melting Arctic Ocean Come aboard! Let’s sail the once-impenetrable Northwest Passage. By Katie Orlinsky and Eva Holland | September 8, 2016 Photographs by Katie Orlinsky From […]
Apr13 by Jon Rappoport Top ten reasons to doubt official story on Assad poison-gas attack by Jon Rappoport April 13, 2017 The sarin-gas attack story prompted the US missile strike on a Syrian runway. Here are the top ten reasons for doubting that story, and instead calling it a convenient […]