May 26, 2017 Sequence of Juno Spacecraft’s Close Approach to Jupiter This sequence of enhanced-color images shows how quickly the viewing geometry changes for NASA’s Juno spacecraft as it swoops by Jupiter. The images were obtained by JunoCam. Once every 53 days the Juno spacecraft swings close to Jupiter, speeding […] With videos like this turning up, and the 22/22/22 (Number of victims, date of attack, age of terrorist) coincidence, the convenient finding ID at the scene of the crime (shades of 9-11) it’s no wonder the inevitable suspicions about a false flag have gained momentum. Fuel to the fire.
May 24, 2017, From Waking Times, via Rose at The Con Trail: Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times Terrorism is part of the new zeitgeist, and it serves a litany of political and social objectives for government, as does occult symbolism which is introduced to our culture by Hollywood and […]
Thanks To Jeffrey at The Con Trail for the heads up Trump Dropping the Hammer on Comey 5/20/2017 03:25:00 AM Submitted to Operation Disclosure, Information ‘Beyond Excellent’! Make it go viral…Bob J Dropping the Hammer on Comey… Brilliant! There are very few crime/mystery novels that […]
The following article was sent to me by Email from a contact, “Jack”. As with all controversial material, we ask the reader to do their research, apply logic and discretion, evaluate critically, and follow Uncensored’s motto “Think For Yourself”. Regardless of whether or not you agree with the author’s conclusions […]
I’m sure plenty will be having a crack at captioning this image of three smiling Trumps and a rather grumpy Looking Pope Francis. Let me have a go: “Nobody told me it was a Black Dress Event!” Commentators have noticed the apparent difference from PF’s meeting with prior dignitaries, […]
Armed troops deployed on UK streets: Does this constitute Martial Law? Sure looks that way to me. There are of course many videos on the subject doing the rounds, I picked this one as Leak Project takes a good look at the various inevitable claims and theories. Is this […]
Foreign firm allowed to bottle millions of litres of water a day from Christchurch aquifers CHARLIE MITCHELL , documents show. The Belfast plant would be the second-largest water-bottling operation in the country in terms of allocated usage. It comes amid political pressure over the lightly-regulated water-bottling industry, which allows companies […]
Another terror attack. After a while, one becomes a little desensitised. Hard to know what’s real and what isn’t any more, we’ve so many of these and inevitably, the usual agendas, speculations, theories and counter-theories are coalescing. My heart goes out to the people of Manchester, regardless of what happened […]