Controversial anti-vaccine movie Vaxxed is set to premiere under stealth in New Zealand next month, prompting fears that the film could lead to more children missing out on vaccination. Ticket buyers will only be notified of the venue by text or email three hours before its screening in a bid […]
‘Never Mind The Quality, Feel The Width.’ By G-squared. How do you explain food not being fit for consumption. ‘It’s not for eating. It’s for selling’. Socio-Economic Policies often transcend administrations. Particularly if there are hidden agendas driven by government continuum to take advantage of transient administrations. As Edward House […]
Resurrection of Armageddon Paul Craig Roberts “The U.S. intelligence community’s extraordinary campaign of leaks claiming improper ties between President Trump’s team and Russia seeks to ensure a lucrative New Cold War by blocking detente.” — Gareth Porter It only required 24 days for the Deep State to castrate President […]
Rise of the machines? If the Terminator had a pet, it might look like one of these horrors. Is this the future policeman? The future soldier? Scary…..
Former President George W Bush has said an independent press is “indispensable to democracy” when asked if he agreed with Donald Trump that the media was the “enemy of the people”. The 43rd President said it was important for a free press to hold power to account, and that lecturing […]
Full Video and transcript of Trump’s first major speech to Congress. Choose from mainstream or alternative source. Don’t say we don’t give you options guys!
Pope quietly trims sanctions for sex abusers seeking mercy By nicole winfield, associated press VATICAN CITY — Feb 25, 2017, 7:50 AM ET Pope Francis has quietly reduced sanctions against a handful of pedophile priests, applying his vision of a merciful church even to its worst offenders in ways that […]
By G-squared The once great liberal art had become the new liberal science and lifestyle of presumptive reality. The dysfunctional and disengaged can now be better identified; as their worlds are consumed by even more irrationality, and a vehement obsession to be oblivious to fact, reality, and the real […] The government is set to introduce new regulations to enforce the use of poisons like 1080. Currently it is up to regional councils to set rules for the use of 1080 and other poisons in their region. But now the government will set rules to apply throughout the country, […]
Jolie Diane From Asks The “Panel Of Experts” What Are The Human Implications For Using Geoengineering Technology? Jolie Diane Reminds Them Geoengineering Is Already Taking Place, Which They Try To Ignore By Shuffling The Question Around The Panel. Its Obvious Their Plan Is Way More Important Than The Health […]