CDC Director Rochelle Walensky spoke at a press briefing Monday in which she acknowledged an apparent link between those who believe in high-level government shadow conspiracies and not having Myocarditis.  Your Friday dose of satire Kindly forwarded by Jon Eisen… According to the CDC’s findings, “total nutjobs” appear to be […]

Communications from our enigmatic contributor: Behind the MSM blackouts, propaganda and censorship on recent events. As always, do your own research on these subjects and question everything! MH from 3/9/22 Boris Johnson; still commanding The UK Special Forces; last night dispatched 60 elites from the command stationed in Kent; to […]

A Left Wing Socialist government protecting pedophiles. Illuminati rituals, mass protests and elite corruption. Even a connection to Big Pharma with Prozac and fluoride…This well crafted documentary exposes a story many may never have heard, but serves as a warning to the world, MH Hidden away deep within the forests […]
