As we usher in another year without the climate going into a chain-reaction meltdown, it’s fun to look at the hilariously inaccurate computer modelling and resultant fearmongering. failed for Covid and failed for the climate, yet the MSM still parade the data as if it were pre-fact. ‘Doesn’t Fit MSM […]
Some people were confused by the claim in a recent CDN “Readout” video, based on a newsletter earlier this year, that Arctic ice was higher in 2024 than it had been for some time. 24 Apr 2024 | News Roundup Climate Discussion Nexus The specific claim concerned early January, which eluded some critics. […]
The following abstract is from a paper published Nov. 2023 that has been conveniently ignored by the MSM as the ice mass gain evidence is somewhat unpalatable to The Narrative. Please kindly share this data with your climate-alarmist friends, would you? MH Wei WangResearch Gate Abstract and Figures The Antarctic […]
Antarctica sea ice is at a “mind-blowing” record low winter area of 17 million square kilometres, reports a three-person BBC “News Climate & Science and Data Journalism Team”, as lower levels than those recorded in the recent past provide the cue for yet more media climate hysteria. Chris Morrison – […]
“New” research claims that Polynesians may have discovered Antarctica prior to the Europeans, and that knowledge of such has been neglected, either through ignorance or willful censorship, according to a Gizmodo article. Is this true? Well, I happen to be in a position to shed some light on the matter! […]
And they’re talking like it’s never been done before… And yet… Viking 1 & 2 | Missions – NASA’s Mars Exploration Program We did this in 1976. Did we not? And we might have found signs of life on Mars … Did the Viking landers find life on Mars in […]
According to Russian News Agency TASS, a research station has been reporting ongoing shallow, strong tremors at The Ice. But some other monitoring sources show nothing?! The Russian polar station Bellingshausen in the Antarctic is registering tremors with a magnitude of up to 6.0, the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, […]
Watched this jet coming in last night…. From NZ Herald As travel bans see virtually all global air traffic grounded, a high-end private jet owned by a Saudi billionaire last night landed in Christchurch. The plane, a $100m Gulfstream owned by Saudi-based Rashid Engineering, took off from Georgia in the […]
Cydonia ring a bell? Yet another Mars-Antarctica connection? In this case it’s likely nothing more than pareidolia (the human tendency to interpret patterns in a familiar way). However, it is startling in it’s symmetry. It would be interesting to monitor this Antarctica formation and see if it persists, changes or […]
Must read! An fantastic article and a worthy theory that ties together many loose ends on the Mars-Antarctica connection. Well worth exploring this avenue further. Hats off to the author! MH Pierre LescaudronSott.netSat, 14 Sep 2019 18:31 UTC While finalizing the writing of the article titled “Of Flash Frozen Mammoths […]