It seems that every year, there’s handwringing about some impending catastrophe or other. After hearing it for 52 years, as the author has, one tends to get a bit blasé. But sooner or later something’s going to get us! But what, and when? by Martin Harris 25/7/19 Sometimes the warning […]
A civilisation with no fortifications that survived by peaceful co-operation? So what killed them off? New research sheds light on an enduring mystery. NZ readers may spot the Kiwi connection in this article. MH Aslin IrwinHorizonThu, 11 Jul 2019 15:40 UTC © Bs0u10e01, licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0The Ġgantija temples […]
Guaranteed to make Ancient Technology buffs smile! Story says the ancient Egyptians used wooden rollers and sleds. Maybe with a “small” sphinx. But it wouldn’t explain how the Giza Pyramids were built! I’m guessing this story will have the spirit of Imhotep will chuckling from his abode in the Duat! […]
Yet more evidence of pre-human/industrial rapid climate change in relatively recent times. Like Mammoths and other coeval fauna of the so-called Ice Age, these Arctic animals could not have survived in a frozen wasteland. The evidence of the Arctic permafrost suggests a very rapid and catastrophic change that is remembered […]
Here’s an archaeological puzzle I had never heard of before (and I thought I knew it all!). Brett Swancer of the excellent resource Mysterious Universe tells us more, plus some excellent video footage. Martin H Brent Swancer May 24, 2019 The villages of Longyou County, in Zhejiang province, China, have […]
Yet more evidence that abrupt changes in climate are nothing new. There is evidence of huge settlements hidden in the jungles of South America, and clearly the population went into rapid decline. New research sheds light on climate change as the likely reason. MH University College LondonPhys.orgThu, 09 May 2019 […]
Don’t cut out the fat just yet. Seems if this theory is correct, it’s fat, not lean meat, that gave us such big brains. Not much option for the Vegans there…! by Richard KementSapiens OrgThu, 28 Mar 2019 21:05 UTC © sodapix/Getty Images Northern Ethiopia was once home to a […]
Here in New Zealand we are familiar with the recent extinction, via overhunting, of the flightless bird known as Moa, some varieties of which grew to colossal size. However, evidence points to a similar scenario in Madagascar, home of an even larger flightless avian, and to an earlier arrival of […]
A sliver of bone from a cave in Russia is at the centre of what may be the biggest archaeological story of the year. By Michael Marshall, New Scientist A sliver of bone from a cave in Russia is at the centre of what may be the biggest archaeological story […]
Thought this would make an interesting contrast to the new Antarctica vid I embedded recently. Rand and Rose Flem-Ath were pioneers of the Atlantis/Antarctic link, and the inspiration for Graham Hancock’s landmark work “Fingerprints Of The Gods” that rebooted the Alternative Archeology/ancient mysteries scene. An important piece of archival resource […]