Misconceptions about terrorism, regularly promoted by the mainstream media, have facilitated harmful US government actions—two wars, domestic legislation that curtailed civil liberties, excessive national security spending. That basic, factual information about terrorism is so rarely reported thus serves to reinforce the power of those who benefit from a fearful population. It […]

Source: https://www.truth-out.org/google-and-verizon-usher-internets62187 Monday’s announcement that Verizon and Google will create a distinct wireless experience put net neutrality discussions not so much on the back burner as in the recycling bin. Although early speculation suggested that the corporate giants were going to create the equivalent of an E-Z Pass lane for content […]


PHONY TERRORIST LEADER BEING “BRANDED” BY ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE “VOICE OF ISRAEL” Adnan Shukrijumah, 35 formerly of Brooklyn, New York and Miami Beach is more likely to carry the real name Levine or Goldstein. The “legend,” intelligence jargon for a false background constructed for an imaginary person, created for Shukrijumah […]

Hijackers Passport found at WTC, No Black Boxes (Source: Official 9/11 Commission Report) 1) “Suqami’s passport survived the attack: a passerby picked it up from the World Trade Center and handed to a New York Police Department detective shortly before the towers collapsed.” Quote Source: https://govinfo.library.unt.edu/911/st… 2) US Courts Evidence: […]
