[ h / t : Nat ] Using archived stock footage, I tried to paint a picture of the tranquility of everyday life being interrupted by chaotic events such as war. [ yeah -that- chaotic event ] Majority of the war stock footage is from Iwo Jima documentation and the […]
Of all the misunderstandings that guide US foreign policy – including foreign commercial policy – perhaps the most important and long-lasting is the failure to recognise or understand what national self-determination means to most people in the world. Or why it might be important to them. Our leaders seem to […]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_vfm3Elc3M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hu8QyxuLCn4
As the world wakes up to the reality of the colonial implant in the Middle East known as Israel, the hitherto unthinkable question of that implant’s legitimacy is on more people’s lips than ever before. Thanks to the internet, which is allowing a growing number of ordinary people to learn […]
[ If you’d like to know what is going on in this part of the world – from the eyes of multiple on-the-spot handycams ( rather than just having your understanding of what is going on in this part of the world – filtered and fed to you ) then […]
( Teaser Trailer ) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mA54ZgAnIg
By Maidhc Ó Cathail* | Sabbah Report | April 1, 2010 “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” – Queen Gertrude, Hamlet. Whenever someone insists too strongly about something not being true, we tend to suspect that maybe it is. In their denials of involvement in 9/11, do Israel’s apologists […]
By Juan Cole Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the American Israel Public Affairs Council on Monday that “Jerusalem is not a settlement.” He continued that the historical connection between the Jewish people and the land of Israel cannot be denied. He added that neither could the historical connection between […]
‘Out-of-the-box’ CIA think tank proposes concerns over women’s rights, fear of terrorism as ways to boost support for Afghan war [ In other words : Lying & Causing Untold Suffering For A Living ] Evidently spooked by the collapse of the Dutch government over the country’s involvement in Afghanistan, the […]
The Gaza War was a three-week military conflict that took place in the Gaza Strip during the winter of 2008-2009. It was dubbed Operation Cast Lead (Hebrew: מבצע עופרת יצוקה Mivtza Oferet Yetzuka) and defined as a military operation against Hamas by the Israeli government. The conflict has been called […]