The First Puppet Was The Emperor Of Japan & The First Victims Were The … All of this, planned before 1871, and it started in 1872, with Japan first. The first puppet was the emperor of Japan and the first victims were the samurai warrior class and feudal system. Target…..Russia […]
Broadcast March 15, 2010 Dr. Alan Sabrosky, talks with co-host Phil Tourney to discuss Dr. Sabrosky’s most recent article “The Dark Face Of Jewish Nationalism”. Listen Now: Standard Podcasts: Hide Player | Play in Popup
[ Too good to leave in the comments section – h / t : Second Opinion ]
(This from the -fucking- TimesOnline) Up to 50,000 security personnel were deployed in and around Bangkok yesterday to prevent demonstrators paralysing the city this weekend and toppling the Government. Sian Powell, Wang Noi Times Online March 15, 2010 The regime is braced for unrest, and has prepared water cannon, sound-wave […] In the 1960s, a radical group of psychotherapists challenged the influence of Freudian ideas in America. They were inspired by the ideas of Wilhelm Reich, a pupil of Freud’s, who had turned against him and was hated by the Freud family. He believed that the inner self did not […]
New Zealand’s internet filtering system went live last month – but the government forgot to mention this to its electorate until its hand was forced by online freedom campaign, Tech Liberty. Thomas Beagle, a spokesman for the group, said he was “very disappointed that the filter is now running” and […]
Maidhc Ó Cathail names and shames the top 19 politicians, academics and policy makers – all con men and all Zionists – who lied and conspired to steer the US towards aggression against the Iraqi people. [ Iraq War Casualties ] This month marks the seventh anniversary of the invasion […]
Several billion dollars worth of US news media BS can’t obscure fundamental reality. Too bad for the new generation of fascists. Video: Child pornography and molestation has been a camouflage for something much deeper – The Minister for Communication is attempting to apply general government censorship. How long will Adelaide Institutes website last this new onslaught against free expression on the Internet? How long will Adam Internet continue to host Adelaide […]