And why is Google rushing to change and debunk the definition while deleting the relevant interviews? Watch this… The Hill1.45M subscribers Kim Iversen explains what “mass formation psychosis” is. YOUTUBE CENSORS AND REMOVES JOE ROGAN INTERVIEWS WITH ROBERT MALONE AND PETER MCCULOUGH: Joe Rogan interview with Dr Robert Malone taken […]

I’ve been watching the emerging data (actual data) on the Omicron variant since it emerged in SA. Everything points it being very similar to the Common Cold. I listened to NZ Health Minister Hipkins on the radio today (Where was Ardern? Hiding while Hipkins gets to dish out the bad […]

Sometime during October last year, Grant Robertson allegedly signed a negotiated contract with Pfizer for vaccine supply. The content of this contract remains secret and the government has refused to release its terms after OIA requests. However, some Pfizer vaccine supply contracts from other countries have been leaked. Guy David […]

Facebook Court Filing – ‘Fact Checks’ are just a Matter of ‘Protected’ Opinion.  Little attention is being paid to an admission made by the attorneys representing the Corporation formerly known as Facebook, Inc., which has now transitioned into Meta Platforms, Inc.  In a court filing responding to a lawsuit filed by John Stossel claiming that he was defamed by […]

30 out of 38 patients in ICU are vaccinated. Most hospitalisations are vaccine injured. Myocarditis raging among vaccinated. Massive government/ media coverup. 3000 South Australian Health Workers Protest. WATCH VIDEO HERE “Must see before it’s deleted!”

The following is from The Guardian, a reputable British Mainstream News outlet that has proven to be surprisingly honest and impartial of late. Read and share with your delusional friends who think Doctor Pfizer’s Magical Elixir has saved them from COVID. People who are fully vaccinated against Covid yet catch […]
