When I was a student in the 70s, Orwell’s Animal farm and 1984 were compulsory reading as warnings about how society descends into totalitarianism. Now it seems that these works are being used as instruction manuals. Well done Oliver Jull! MH “In order to find out who your oppressor is, […]
Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, announced on Friday it would lift its restrictions on content posted by former US President Donald Trump. While the former US president’s social media accounts were unblocked 17 months ago, Meta had maintained limits on his ability to post. RTSat, 13 Jul 2024 […]
Karl Wolfe RIP. “Mysteriously killed by a Tractor whilst riding his motorbike in 2018 … No charges for the driver of the vehicle or information on them either . How convenient .” Jul 3, 2024(Courtesy of http://www.SiriusDisclosure.com) https://www.youtube.com/@EyesOnCinema Also watch: “Hacker Gary McKinnon infiltrated 97 military & NASA computers searching […]
Here’s the link where you can watch all 3 Presidential candidates answer the CNN moderator questions. Starts at 6pm PT, 9pm ET. STEVE KIRSCHJUN 27 Three candidates qualified for the June presidential debate, but CNN is only going to let you hear from two of them. The same two who’ve […]
MSM talkback radio host Mike Hosking brings up the Pfizer and Moderna legal cases and asks, “Why is this not headline news”? Editors comment by Martin Harris 18/6/24 This author is in the habit of listening to Mike’s entertaining show on the radio while having breakfast in the morning. One […]
This article by Steve Snoopman provides an extensive account of the court proceedings on Tuesday May 7th. Liz Gunn and Jonathan are in court again today (May 10th) to see a conclusion to this case.- FreeNZMay 9 · The FreeNZ Editorial A strange trial of a seasoned independent media duo […]
The British government has issued a new guidebook to all sitting MPs to help them spot “conspiracy theories”. Kit Knightly – Off-Guardian May 8, 2024 Leader of the House Penny Mordaunt MP, who commissioned the guide, has warned that: The proliferation of conspiracy theories across the UK is deeply disturbing. They […]
On Wednesday May 1st, the House overwhelmingly passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act by a 320-91 vote, with only 21 Republicans joined by 70 Democrats against it. Joachim HagopianGlobal ResearchFri, 03 May 2024 On Wednesday May 1st, the House overwhelmingly passed the Antisemitism Awareness Act by a 320-91 vote, with only 21 Republicans joined by […]
Barry Young (NZ vax excess death whistleblower)- Court Case Update from FreeNZ Newsletter https://freenz.substack.com Barry’s trial date is now set, for ONE YEAR away – April 28th, 2025. The Righteous Ones We are not their enemy, they have to understand that. And I just want to mention, Matthew 5.10 just […]
The employment relations authority demands the takedown of all of Barry Young’s content on our platform, otherwise they are threatening Liz Gunn, FreeNZ & NZ Loyal with 3 months in prison, huge fines and losing all of our equipment! FreeNZAPR 18 Censorship and Tyranny is alive and well in NZ […]