Could be just the beginning of many revelations: Remember the letter at GHW’s funeral? Are the floodgates about to open or is this just a storm in a teacup? Tyler DurdenZero HedgeFri, 15 Mar 2019 16:16 UTC © Associated Press/FileSaddam Hussein waves to supporters in Baghdad, Wednesday, October 18, 1995. […]

The events in Christchurch have triggered an outpouring of love and compassion to be sure, possibly unparalleled, but also a colossal round of media censorship, probably equally unparalleled. From books disappearing off the shelves to, obviously, closing off access to the infamous “live stream” footage. Kiwis will now find access […]

Shame on you Whitcoulls! We can read Mein Kampf (yup it’s still available from Whitcoulls) But not “12 Rules For Life”? The following article from Stuff calls Jordan Peterson a “controversial Right wing author”. He is no such thing. He is a clinical psychologist who has ridden a wave of […]

For those not in the know, Anne Marie Brady, the author of important works on NZ’s relationship with China, has been the victim of apparent threats and sabotage which the government seems rather reticent to address. The Canterbury University professor has been the subject of international calls for protection following home […]

A day of shame for Australia. What more can I say? Icke has much to say about this outrage: David Icke Published on Feb 20, 2019 Subscribed 576K Please Sign the Petition here –… To have David’s Dot Connector Videocast sent to you in full every week, Click here […]

Something bizarre and incomprehensible is happening on YouTube. On one hand, the video platform has been hard at work demonetizing and un-recommending videos that could “misinform users” (i.e. conspiracy theories). On the other hand, YouTube is never stopped enabling the proliferation of thousands of deeply disturbing videos sexualizing children. Vigilant […]
