Check out this load of crap: Obama follows the Bill Clinton “we looked into it” UFO narrative but teases with “can’t tell you everything”. Meanwhile two “retired” military intelligence goons hype the “alien invasion” agenda. I’d say we are being prepped for something, wouldn’t you? How To Fake an Alien […]

MSM footage from India follows a familiar pattern; it’s becoming rather well-worn and obvious smoke-and-mirrors stuff now, as this clip “pulling aside the Wizard’s curtain” demonstrates! MH No surprises knowing the acceptable narrative from MSM. Watch at the link: Thanks to the ever-vigilant Pam Vernon who has become the tireless […]

Your latest Uncensored Magazine should be in your mailbox, subscribers. What do you see on page 42 ? According to this World Bank document, “COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Program”, the “Expected Project Closing Date” is 31 March, 2025. Is this document real or is it doctored? The day after […]

A great primer on the Alien Invasion False Flag scenario (“Project Blue Beam” and “Starlight”). Much more to come on this subject here at Uncensored News. MH How to fake an alien invasion ( EDITOR’S NOTE: The following transcript of Episode 301 of The Corbett Report podcast, “How To Fake an […]

UFO topic is hitting the MSM big time and Tucker Carlson has a very relevant angle: Alien invasion doesn’t necessarily mean extra-terrestrial! Meanwhile Carlson hasn’t considered (and his “former” Intelligence officer guest doesn’t mention) another possibility… Another possibility is that one branch of the US government often doesn’t inform the […]

Can this be true? Are the Unvaccinated being “infected” by the vaccinated? As the article says, “reports and anecdotes” which is far from conclusive evidence. Nevertheless, we wouldn’t put anything beyond the realms of possibility right now. Read with an open and critical mind. MH From: David Icke / Makia […]

Erin Maria Olzewski, the whistleblower nurse who made headlines last year documenting “fraud, negligence, and greed” that “led to unnecessary deaths” during the peak of the COVID-19 pandemic, sat down with LifeSiteNews during the Health & Freedom Conference to share her experience and reflections. Patrick Delaney – Life Site News April 26, 2021 Olzewski (pronounced OL-CHEZ-SKEE), […]

Last night I left the news on to see how the events in India were being reported, and we were shown images of funeral pyres and Indian people needing oxygen tanks. I checked the images with Alt News, an Indian non-profit fact checking website. By Jo Blogs, Red Sky in the Morning The […]

Project Veritas did the work, Zerohedge and Iowa Climate Institute pick up on the story, with a bomshell interview exposing the “mind” of CNN. “Fear sells”. ‘We Were Creating A Story — Our Focus Was To Get Trump Out’: CNN Director Busted By Undercover Veritas Operative BY TYLER DURDENTUESDAY, APR […]
