Pelosi shows where her loyalties lie. Not with the USA, but with the “global society”. Here’s Pam Vernon’s comment leading into the video. MH. July 17, 2019 Pam Vernon Of course we must reject sovereignty, all nations’ sovereignty in fact. That’s what Arnold Toynbee boasted about way back …. “We are […]

An honest politician? Brave Senator Patrick Colbeck speaks sensibly about the harmful effects of WiFi and particularly the controversial 5G network. Michigan, You Got A Winner! Senator Colbeck Speaks The Truth About 5G neverlosetruth Published on Sep 3, 2018 Subscribe 34K Subscribe to Environmental Health Trust; link is below.…… […]

We’ve uncovered yet another social justice scheme being perpetrated by Google that involves censoring images of white people from search queries for “white couples.” Ethan Huff – Natural News July 1, 2019 We’ve uncovered yet another social justice scheme being perpetrated by Google that involves censoring images of white people […]
