Source: “The federal government has stood by as officials who approved torture and degrading treatment have stood above the law, escaping even investigation into their actions. This impunity for potential human rights abuses harms our national values, and our interests.” ~ People’s Campaign for the Constitution ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Secretly and […]

Source: By Jonathan Elinoff, New World Order Report If you enjoy this article, please check out my documentary film sereis, Core of Corruption. You can see it at After reading the article released by, I decided to update and revise their work. The article gave me a […]

“The truth is that all men [and women] having power ought to be mistrusted”. James Madison, American president, 1809-1817. [ big time. ] In a nation that prides itself of being a “tolerant” and a “fair go” for all Australians, one expects the candidates campaigning for Prime Minister position will […]

[  Wot ? ] An investigation has been launched in response to allegations by two Muslim students that they were banned from boarding a London bus because of their veils. The two Muslim students claim that the driver of a Metroline bus refused them entry onto the bus, claiming they […]
