The moment our leaders announced they would get their jab “live” before cameras and audiences, suspicions arose. Real syringes filled with water or saline? Movie prop syringes? The usual “fact checkers” braced themselves for debunkery. Did they succeed? Let’s do some checking of our own! Here’s a typical recent article […]

Awarded for ignoring all the evidence that can be found right here at Uncensored! Shame on you, Ashley… Fact Checking the Fact Checkers: The Case of Ivermectin for Publicly-Subsidized Research ( India’s Ivermectin Blackout: Delta Variant defeated! » Uncensored Publications Limited Tokyo Medical Assoc. Chairman Recommends Ivermectin to COVID Patients! […]

As always, these are “must watch” compilations. Some of the clips need to be studied carefully; just bizarre. Check out the neck-ripples at 0:45. Is that a hologram-fail? WTF…? Martin The Outer Light79.5K subscribers 🤗 Help support my channel: ❇️ 👁 📄… 3Speak: Chat-room: 👾 Telegram: […]

A variety of interconnected topics from our mysterious contributor, G Squared SPREAD THE WORD INTERNATIONALLY. FREE AUSTRALIA THIS PSYCHOPATHIC DICTATORSHIP OF AUSTRALIA HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANY DISEASE, REAL OR IMAGINED. WAKE UP. —————————————————————–  A major False Flag looms. I can’t elaborate here; but I signalled this at least […]

An Inconvient truth. Global Research report a Bombshell namely the ‘UK Data Destroys Entire Premise for Vaccine Push’ Global Research reports “the UK government just reported the following data, tucked away in their report on variants of concern: Less than a third of delta variant deaths are in the unvaccinated. Let […]

Climate scientist Dr. Ronan Connolly, Dr. Willie Soon and 21 other scientists claim the conclusions of the latest “code red” IPCC climate report, and the certainty with which those conclusions are expressed, are dependent on the IPCC authors’ narrow choice of datasets. The scientists assert that the inclusion of additional credible data […]

Janssen Johnson & Johnson:  Pfizer-Bio-N-Tech (mRNA), Moderna (Gates-Soros, Mologic), Oxford Astra Zeneca (adenovirus), Sino-Vacc (China), Sputnik (two Russian).  Opinion by G Squared Countless batches from Saline to time delayed, causational plausibly denied, comorbidity disengaged, to Guillain-Barre, Epstein-Barr, AIDS, to Hodgkin’s and other carcinomas and lymphomas, Hep A,B,C,E, even Zika, and […]
