Perceptive and interesting opinion and analysis on the pandemic agenda from Igan. He seems to have a good case and my own thinking currently runs along similar lines to what he’s saying. There’s definitely an acceleration of the Globalist NWO operating beneath the crisis narrative. MH Coronavirus Cases in the […]

For heaven’s sake, the escalation of paranoia is driving me up the wall! Dog catching coronavirus? Here’s a dose of sanity for you. Martin The current fearporn over a dog catching the Coronavirus in Hong Kong is the last straw. Check out the following and take a deep breath and […]

Is this just mass hysteria, or is a major play in the pipeline? Kit KnightlyOff-GuardianSat, 29 Feb 2020 21:26 UTC Coming to a street corner near you soon? Soldiers ‘protect citizens against Coronavirus’ in northern Italy Another day, another round of shrill headlines. The coronavirus could spread to “every country […]

Admirable demolition job from this brave Aussie Senator! Can’t say I’m a great fan of Hansen’s party, but on this matter her man Roberts has got it right. Facts are facts and evidence and lies are lies. MH Independent scientists and its own authors have condemned this UN Intergovernmental Panel […]

British politicians turned a blind eye to the sexual abuse of children and actively covered up allegations over decades, an independent inquiry into historical sex offences in Westminster has found. Elizabeth Howcroft – Reuters Feb 25, 2020 The inquiry did not find evidence of an organised paedophile network in its […]

19-year-old German YouTuber Naomi Seibt is being dubbed the “anti-Greta.” A US think tank with ties to the Trump administration has tapped Naomi Seibt, 19, who touts “climate realism” over “climate alarmism,” to represent its views, according to the Washington Post. “Naomi Seibt vs. Greta Thunberg: whom should we trust?” the […]
