According to the following article, The Crown owns the US. But who owns The Crown? According to this article, The Vatican does! (…one could go on and ask “who owns The Vatican?”) What do YOU think? Can the reader refute any of this? As always, do your own research and […]
Quite possibly the creepiest Clintonista in that circle of friends CBS NewsThu, 26 Dec 2019 Scandinavian writer Ari Behn — the ex-husband of Norwegian Princess Martha Louise who accused Kevin Spacey of sexual misconduct — died this week, his manager said. He was 47. Behn died by suicide Wednesday, his […]
“We are Extinction Rebellion, and we are rising up because we believe we should stop global warming, because it’s caused by humankind, because of CO2, which is… something in the air, and it’s bad, and it’s increasing, and don’t get us started about carbon dioxide” Amari RoosSott.netMon, 30 Dec 2019 […]
Wikileaks has published shocking leaked documents from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons in which they covered up a dissenting report that concluded chemical weapons were not used in the Syrian city of Duoma last year. Cassandra Fairbanks — The Gateway Pundit Dec 27, 2019 The latest release […]
The most in-depth expose of the Greta Thunberg controversy I have ever read! What follows is the dry text from The full text with links and images can be viewed at the source link. Credit goes to author Sven Svenson MH Scrolling through the news headlines.., I noticed this […]
A recently published report highlights in graphic detail the barbarous “enhanced interrogation” techniques developed and administered by the CIA against various detainees under President George W. Bush in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and the initiation of the Global War on Terror. By John Friend – The […]
The usual diversionary tactics at work. While Americans are busy with the impeachment circus, the powers are hard at work,out of the spotlight, chipping away at your freedoms. Posted on December 26, 2019Natural Health News By Matt Agorist In case you have been under a rock, Donald Trump is getting […]
Weather modification, Water Rights, China and the 2030 Agenda…Another outstanding bit of researching and dot-joining from Ben Vidgen at Ben’s World. I urge readers to visit his blog site and view the full article! reblogged from Ben’s World The Herald, as a part of the standard corporate media trend (where […]
The Democrats have now revealed the hand they’re going to play for impeachment. I [JK] have been vehementlyarguing against playing this game and pointing out how futile it is, but, seeing the two cards actually laid out on the table, even I am gobsmacked at what a loser of a […]
Harvested Alive -Ten year’s investigate of force organ harvesting As a doctor, Zhiyuan Wang spent 30 years studying how to save lives. He never imagined that he would spend another 10 years investigating how doctors killing innocent lives…… Deerpark Studios Welcome to visit our website to know more detail.