In itself it’s notable that a professional athlete in the prime of life should suddenly die. That’s why it’s unusual that the BBC doesn’t expand on the cause of Rab Wardell’s death at 37, other than to say he “died in his sleep”. Aug 24, 2022 by We’ve cut the […]
According to Dr. Naomi Wolf, who runs a crowdsourced project to analyze 300,000 Pfizer documents released via a FOIA request, 44 percent of pregnant women who participated in the drug maker’s COVID-19 vaccine trial lost their babies. Will Witt and Jonas VesterbergThe Florida StandardTue, 16 Aug 2022 As first reported by American […]
Rare moments of Jacinda Ardern, self-proclaimed “Single source of truth” actually giving us some. Truth that is. STRAIGHT FROM THE SOURCE… SHE ISN’T EVEN TRYING TO HIDE THE EVIL GLOBALIST AGENDA. NIGHTBREED 6040 subscribers
Researcher Brian Shilhavy compared VAERS reports of cancer after COVID vaccine injections over the last 20 months with the same query of all FDA-approved vaccines throughout the last 30 years. Patrick DelaneyLifeSiteNewsFri, 05 Aug 2022 A researcher who queried the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System […]
Young Kiwi Siblings Recount the Impacts of their Pfizer Jabs From Liz Gunn at FreeNZ Aug 1 1312 My name is Emily, I am 20 years old. On Dec 18th, 2021 I went for my 2nd dose. I needed it done by Dec 20th due to being mandated for my […]
Great detective work from fellow NZ truther Ed at Outer Light. Not only is this so-called Documentary incredibly patronising, it turns out there are connections we aren’t being told about… Please visit Ed’s channel, give him a Like and subscribe for some great content! The Outer Light83.9K subscribers 🤗 Help […]
Who will be held responsible for any harm caused to children due to long-term exposure to elevated carbon dioxide levels from wearing masks ? Colin Parkinson via theBFD The government has required students from year four upwards to wear masks in the classroom, but in order for masks to be […]
Tucker Carlson drops some truth-bombs. We know: US news channel Fox News has been branded as “misinformation” in NZ’s MSM. I’d say that means they’re afraid of ’em, yes? from Jon Eisen: Meanwhile from the UK, here’s John Campbell with some reality on vax risks in 5-11 year olds; Note […]
I know, you’re probably sick and tired of hearing about the Rise of the New Normal Reich. You want it to be over. So do I. It isn’t over … not by a long shot. CJ HopkinsSubstackFri, 22 Jul 2022 It might seem like it’s over where you are. I imagine it […]
With a database of over 160 names and cases, New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) has submitted to the New Zealand Police and now to Medsafe, a list of young people who passed away shortly after their Pfizer/Comirnaty vaccine. Press Release New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science […]