Fantastic resource for healthy families regardless of whether you are vaccinated or resolutely anti-vax. Please visit the site, subscribe for updates and share the information! MH Thanks to Jon Eisen for heads-up. Early Covid-19 treatment guidelines: A practical approach to home-based care for healthy families | World Council for Health […]

There is no science to vaccinating children against Covid-19. And yet governments globally continue rolling out vaccines for children, pressuring both parents and children into getting them. Sott.netSun, 07 Nov 2021 © Meanwhile, for the first time since the so-called pandemic began in early 2020, there has been a […]

Despite the rain, thousands participated. Next weekend there will be thousands more. Freedom is our call. Now is the time. People from all backgrounds, all walks of life, put aside their differences to protest a common adversary. An adversary that speaks of love, inclusivity and diversity, yet practices hatred, division […]

I hope Prime Minister Scott Morrison is paying attention. In less than 48 hours 75,000 Australians have signed the petition in support of my legislation to end the discrimination against Aussies who have not received a COVID jab. From Pauline Hanson Australians have a right not to be bullied, threatened […]

Provisional Pfizer vaccine approvals, Astrazeneca risks, and COVID death figure counts. Listen carefully as Bloomfield speaks. Martin Harris 11/11/21 Mistress Ardern keeps a tight leash when present at the iconic Podium of Propaganda for the daily COVID announcements. I stopped watching these regularly a long time ago, but whenever something […]

Dear Sir Madam 20/10/2021. I am wondering if you would be able to confirm the information on this social media post as correct or not. Good afternoon Ben and thank you for contacting the Parliamentary Information Service.  We suggest you direct this question to the Speaker’s Office for definitive advice . […]

Fantastic! Melbourne shows its courage! And now we are seeing the pushback in NZ too. More to come on the NZ protests, but meantime, enjoy this: Aussie Cossack123K subscribers There is more Aussie spirit in the crowd than in the Upper and Lower House of Parliament combined! The whole world […]
