Lawrence Wilkerson: Those pushing US intervention in Syria are not humanitarian but want a “back door” to Iran. [youtube]uutPcdMNRtM[/youtube] More news stories at
Corporate Corruption
The latest slaughter in Afghanistan is part of a decade of savage civilian killing. Until Nato leaves – it is certain to continue. The evidence surrounding the Panjwai massacre is so far contradictory. If it was the work of a single gunman, he was likely to have been unhinged or […]
Like a scene out of ‘Wag The Dog’ mainstream news channels have been caught carrying dubious footage from Syria to cook up drama to legitimize military intervention. [youtube]X-LYWHn6L4Y[/youtube] [ and we all know how well ‘military intervention’ works out ]
According to former European MP, journalist, and author Richard Cottrell, the Lord Resistance Army is backed by the CIA and Mossad. CIA is probably also involved in the million-dollar propaganda campaign to draw American people’s attention towards Uganda, and Joseph Kony in particular, in order to secure public opinion in […]
Human rights lawyers claim in High Court that civilians are ‘parties to murders’ Civilian staff at GCHQ risk being prosecuted for war crimes as a result of a legal action being launched tomorrow over the alleged use of British intelligence in the CIA‘s “targeted killing” programme. Human rights lawyers will issue proceedings […]
. [youtube]fjYSuxAVMDE[/youtube]
[youtube]oAK5xzEYq7I[/youtube] $15 TRILLION is equivalent to the the federal debt of the U.S. Treasury Department. Lord James of Blackheath has spoken in the House of Lords holding evidence of three transactions of 5 Trillion each and a transaction of 750,000 metric tonnes of gold and has called for an investigation. […]
The Kiwibank & Japanese Model : Postal Banks to Serve Local Communities Banking in post offices is not new. Many countries, including Germany, France, Italy, Japan, and New Zealand, have a long and successful history of it and so does the United States. If the USPS added banking, it could […]