It was a very lame performance by Prime Minister John Key in the first week of Parliament, although he did manage to come up with three headline policies that some conservatives will salivate over – welfare reform, contracting out schools, and privatisation. A closer look suggests his first policy, welfare […]
Corporate Corruption
As we delve deeper into world control, more information arises that helps us understand the current global situation. Many people are unaware of the interconnectedness between the largest global companies. Eighty percent of the world’s wealth appears to be earned by a “core” of 1,318 corporations, which in turn […]
After world opinion categorically denied Wall Street, London, and its NATO forces a replay in Syria of the destruction and pillaging of Libya, with Russia and China leading opposition to a planned escalation and overt NATO military intervention, the corporate-financier media led by CNN (and in particular CIA-asset Anderson Cooper) […]
Listen & learn. [youtube]NXCIiQA3nnM[/youtube]
Stuart Littlewood exposes British Water’s complicity with the Israeli occupation authorities who are not only stealing Palestinian water, but also overseeing the flooding of Palestinian fields and villages with untreated sewage from hilltop Jewish settlements. There are few crimes more despicable then stealing your neighbour’s water, and polluting what’s left, […]
Richard Gage, AIA of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth takes you through most of the scientific forensic evidence proving beyond a reasonable doubt that the destruction of the WTC was accomplished with explosive controlled demolition. Running at 112 mins – it is almost two hours of your life well […]
[ some examples of the more honest kind of fiction audio visual storytelling coming out of the film industry over the last decade in and of Lost Angeles ] [youtube]u7ZxMHmAno4[/youtube] [youtube]L3myRRZkErs[/youtube] [youtube]VRwmay742_I[/youtube]
. I stopped regarding CNN as a source of credible information back in 2004 after emotionally realising that I was being lied to a scale that I hadn’t previously imagined. With everything going on in the world, it’s interesting to do a retrospective monthly review of all that CNN has […]
For a wider understanding of the Occupy Movement, Please view the following : [youtube]9D9BUgv2G5A[/youtube]