Russel Brand risks being branded “a Right Winger” by telling you the facts. Trump was indeed spied on and there was indeed a conspiracy against him. Who’d have thought, eh? Russell Brand 5.03M subscribers As more is revealed about Hillary Clinton’s campaign and its alleged surveillance of Donald Trump, we […]
Corporate Corruption
Many of you will have heard something. We are trying to get some clarity. All that is clear however is that we just don’t know. Where is Gayford? Wiki claims to have the answers, but a read of their assessment basically says that they don’t actually know. Wiki Clarke Gayford […]
We’ve been aware of this subject and the alleged evidence of micro scale anomalies in the vaccines some time now, but it has taken this superb article from NZ Doctors Speaking Out With Science to bring the topic to the Uncensored News site. Keep an open mind. MH February 8, […]
This is THEFT, pure and simple. How can they “remain a trusted platform” when they misappropriate funds donated on TRUST that they will go where the donator intends? MH GoFundMe says it won’t be giving the C$10 million ($8 million USD) raised to support the truckers protesting COVID-19 mandates to […]
CONTENT ADVISORY: This article isn’t for the kids or the prudish. Don’t say you weren’t warned. Martin. Andrew Stiles – Washington Free Beacon Jan 25, 2022 Hunter Biden’s favorite Washington, D.C., strip club received a verbal warning last week for failing to enforce the city’s strict indoor mask mandate. According […]
The Narrative continues to crumble as the Biden-China connections come back under scrutiny! Emma-Jo Morris, Matthew BoyleBreitbartSun, 30 Jan 2022 A criminal IRS investigation into Hunter Biden — President Biden’s son — appears to have convened a grand jury as far back as May 2019, a confidential subpoena served to JPMorgan Chase bank […]
Plus 10 Fundamental Questions in Relation to the Vaccine Rollout for 5-11 Year Olds. FreeNZfreenz.substack.comaconcernedkiwi I am a parent of a young child. I am concerned. Please consider this open and honest message. Covid killed someone very close to me. A wise lady with a sharp mind and a resolute […]
A study coming out of Britain showed an alarming increase in the risk for myocarditis, which is inflammation in the heart, after every mRNA jab, particularly in males under 40. Seth HancockThe Liberty LoftMon, 10 Jan 2022 The study was published last month, and it analyzed data from over 42 million […]
China has been telling the world that its brutal lockdowns in service of reaching zero covid cases have largely been effective. But China is also changing the definition of the “zero” in zero covid to better align with the uncomfortable reality that covid-19 cannot be arrested or suppressed into extinction. […]
A Right Royal cracker from Ben Vidgen. As always Ben connects all the dots! And we’ll never be royals (royals)It don’t run in our bloodThat kind of luxe just ain’t for usWe crave a different kind of buzzLet me be your ruler (ruler)You can call me queen beeAnd baby, I’ll […]