[youtube]_mmimUVJqUU[/youtube] Six environmental organisations are backing Ngati Porou and Te Whanau a Apanui in their fight against deep sea oil drilling off the East Cape. They are protesting against government policy allowing foreign oil companies like Brazilian giant Petrobras to drill for oil in some of New Zealand’s deepest coastal […]
Corporate Corruption
WTC7 on 911 was a controlled demolition. Please watch these videos – ask yourself if you haven’t already – why is this important information absent from our mainstream media. The only explanation I can fathom is that they are not allowed to put it up on TV because the public […]
On the evening of March 28, 2011, President Barack Obama preempted countless episodes of Jeopardy! all over the country to speak about the military action he recently authorized in Libya. The speech was as impassioned and eloquent as we should expect from the president of a major world power as […]
[youtube]HrC2bPhGW9Y[/youtube] Additional parts can be found here
[youtube]KGTJq8LnIQg[/youtube] We may have different religions, different languages, different colored skin, but we all belong to one human race.
[ Rod Parsley tells you what everyone else should know – and he tells it like it is ] [youtube]30-WtZTH06o[/youtube]
Germany’s highest civil court has ruled that Deutsche Bank should have warned its customers of the risks of an exotic investment product it sold in the run-up to the financial crisis. Deutsche Bank headquarters in Frankfurt The landmark ruling has huge implications for the banking industry and could unleash a wave […]
RememberBuilding7 is a non-partisan effort led by 9/11 family members to raise awareness of the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7. [youtube]eHo5hNCvLb4[/youtube] Help get this new ad on the air here With the convenience of a laptop, PDA and Wi-Fi, the 9/11 and anti-war activists can show this video […]
[youtube]B_mUf35DlLM[/youtube] [youtube]dXafL0D9QtY[/youtube] [youtube]hZ3EMjxrYPY[/youtube]