There has been a fresh round of articles appearing recently concerning world population, suggesting that journalists may have grown tired finally of writing / worrying / bullshitting about climate change. Indeed, Google Trends indicates that articles on population growth have doubled since 2008. Apparently, 2011 is the year the planet […]
Corporate Corruption
The Islamabad government has admitted for the first time that there are US Marines operating in Pakistan’s southwestern Balochistan province, a report says. The disclosure has been made during a closed-door meeting of the parliamentary committee on defense, a Press TV correspondent reported on Thursday. Senator Khurshid Ahmed, a member […]
[youtube]zpbW64vRrMc[/youtube] The Federal Reserve is one of the most powerful and secretive institutions in Washington, long considered beyond the reach of lawmakers. But now, as details emerge of how the Fed secretly doled out more than a trillion dollars during the financial crisis, a rare bipartisan movement in Congress demands […]
The Chinese government is publically threatening to execute corrupt judges, as well as members of the security services, who are caught taking bribes. The government leadership is getting desperate about stopping the growing public anger against corrupt officials, and the threat of rebellion, or just widespread unrest, that it implies. […]
Banks repossessed a record one million US homes in 2010, and could surpass that number this year, figures show. Foreclosure tracker RealtyTrac said about five million homeowners were at least two months behind on their mortgage payments. Read the rest here
[youtube]eDvNS9iMjzA[/youtube] [youtube]iXTlaqXsm4k[/youtube] [youtube]v3mudruFzNw[/youtube]
Power does not rest with the electorate. It does not reside with either of the two major political parties. It is not represented by the press. It is not arbitrated by a judiciary that protects us from predators. Power rests with corporations. And corporations gain very lucrative profits from war, […]
“This is not the end of the story, but is just the beginning. The good people of the United States of America, the true patriots, have finally seen you with your media-painted masks ripped off. They have seen what comes to pass when hate, venom, ignorance and violence goes unchecked […]
[ … & I’m sure that there’s probably more … ] [ … & if you had been paying attention at the time to ‘The Destruction Of Iraq’ ( 2003 ~ ongoing ) Then – yes – you would know the answer to the question posed in the tweaked […]
With so much misinformation circulating in different media outlets around the world about Venezuela and President Hugo Chavez, it’s time to set the record straight. Venezuela is not a dictatorship and President Chavez is no dictator. [ and this video and the article below : is how come. ] Read […]