When a branch fell from a tree at the Central Park Zoo in New York City last month, killing a 6-month-old baby and severely injuring her mother, who had been holding the infant, Mayor Michael Bloomberg declared it “an act of God.” But in all likelihood it was the act […]
Corporate Corruption
Source: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/markets/7895242/Mystery-trader-buys-all-Europes-cocoa.html Even Willy Wonka might struggle to use this much chocolate. Yesterday, somebody bought 241,000 tonnes of cocoa beans. The purchase was enough to move the entire global cocoa market, sending the price to the highest level since 1977, and triggering rumours and intrigue in the City. It is […]
What is it going to take for concerned and engaged citizens to finally feel as though some crucial threshold has been crossed—that our nation’s political system and the global corporate culture it both serves and feeds into will never represent them or serve their needs? Continuing along that line, what’s […]
In an attempt to be proactive, or seem proactive, governments and scientists are ‘considering‘ changing the climate. Using man made volcano-like smoke stacks, reflective particles in the upper atmosphere, aerosolized particles dispensed from aircraft …and other such dangerous (not to mention expensive) ideas. Whilst I’m in no rush to usher […]
Watch this movie. On at the Auckland film festival https://www.nzff.co.nz/default.aspx?id=8791®ion=2 Still tickets available for the last two shows. … ooooh but hurry. ========================= The official ‘redband’ trailer for American The Bill Hicks Story www.americanthemovie.com This groundbreaking new documentary uses a stunning new animation technique to tell the story of the modern cultural […]
It is without question that corruption happens, and without argument it seems to be happening in New Zealand, the “least corrupt country in the world” Penny Bright host a public meeting to explain the ins and outs of this problem particularly as it relates to the 7 united water contracts […]
Really can’t wait until TVNZ ditches its One Network News sponsor so I can finally start hearing some more interesting factoids on the banks… … like ‘how much money flows out of the country everyday ‘ & financial discussions could finally include statements such as: ‘Should most New Zealandic banks […]
[ “There is no purpose for government – except to improve the live’s of the citizens” Some of those leather chaired legislation-jockeys currently taking up space in Wellington actually improved your life the other day merely by pointing out to the populace of this agrarian mini-continent that food consumers (i.e. […]
To anyone who is paying attention, things look doomed. Fortunately for American capitalism, nobody is paying attention. They never have. Source: alternet.org As an Anglo European white guy from a very long line of white guys, I want to thank all the brown, black, yellow and red people for a […]
By Thaddeus M. Baklinski July 5, 2010 (LifeSiteNews.com) – A news release from Google says that the mega-search engine company will begin paying its homosexual employees more than their heterosexual counterparts. Citing a tax law that says health insurance benefits paid to civil partners of homosexual employees are considered taxable income, […]