Corporate Corruption
Source: recently had the pleasure of talking with Dr. James David Manning who has been ministering to the people of Harlem since 1981. He is now the Senior Pastor at ATLAH which stands for All the Land Anointed Holy, Manning’s inspired name for Harlem as of September 14, 1991.
The blot sickens. Things are starting to “add up” as we used to say:
[This is what the New Zealand parliament looked like before it became a fatter and rounder shape. ] Dear Nick, I write with reference to the enclosed article you [ this one ] wrote in 2005 in which you outlined the fatal flaws of New Zealand adopting an Emissions Trading […]
By: MARTY G Source: There’s a hell of a lot of mis-information and confusing numbers about the economic potential of mining around, and that suits Gerry Brownlee and National because it lets them exaggerate the case for opening up the National Parks. John Armstrong says “Unfortunately for National, cool economic […]
Clearing out the high power analog tv emissions will improve signal to noise ratio for RFID emitting in the 700MHz band, and potentially allow passive satellite tracking of these RFID signals. I’m thinking about getting a stainless steel wallet to protect against having any “enhanced” RFID cards tracked or skimmed […]
Stephen M. St. John Post Office Box 449 New York, NY 10185 Honorable Loretta Preska United States District Court, SDNY 500 Pearl Street, Room 12A New York, New York 10007-1312 31 December 2009 Dear Judge Preska, I hereby renew and reiterate my claim of an award for having exposed the […]