Still just a crackpot conspiracy theory, is it? Read the article and get a sense of the true scale of this evil. Arjun Walia – Renegade Tribune Dec 1, 2019 With Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew making headlines across mainstream media around the globe, many people who weren’t aware of […]
Corporate Corruption
His name is often mentioned, but we’re frequently asked who he actually is and what is his agenda? This article sums things up rather well. MH Hide Out Now – Nov 30, 2019 George Soros has financed abortion on demand, legalization of drugs, and more recently, district attorney races in […]
What a gallery of rogues: Skull and Bones member John Kerry, Fake News promoter Leonard DiCaprio (“the rainforests are burning!”), Epstein Pedo-Clubber Bill Clinton…and of course it’s not politically motivated (but it’s all Trump’s fault). “Zero” presumably relates to the credibility of these clowns! Nod of thanks to “Prehistoric” for […]
Trouble is, people are being sidetracked by impossible monsters to slay (like ‘global climate change’). Recycling creates more pollution than it’s supposed to alleviate Baron Ash I lived in Germany in the early 90’s. A newspaper article at the time stated that the German govt had conducted a long, large, […]
Dr. Barrie Trower is a former Royal Navy Microwave Weapons Expert and former cold-war captured spy debriefer for the UK Intelligence Services. Mr Trower is a conscionable whistle-blower who lectures around the world on hidden dangers from microwave weapons and every-day microwave technologies such as mobile-phones and Wi-Fi. Mr Trower […]
So who isn’t involved in the Elite pedo network? TV entertainers, politicians, church leaders, Royals, and now the Banksters. Hardly surprising really. Westpac Australia CEO Hartzer will be given 12 months’ notice and paid out A$2.7m in salary, but will forfeit all bonuses. Awww, what a jolly shame, such harsh punishment […]
Even as the Elite pedos are being rounded up, others are grooming our youngsters with porn exposure under the guise of “education”. What a screwed up world we live in! MH Gript NewsSat, 23 Nov 2019 21:32 UTC The flip chart notes from an actual ‘sex ed class’ in Ireland […]
Another one gone: The net closes in! MH Shane TrejoBig Leauge PoliticsThu, 21 Nov 2019 23:03 UTC The rabbit hole goes deep. Steven Robert Setzer, a former U.S. Marine Corps pilot who once escorted former President Bill Clinton on the crew of the Marine One, is facing years in prison […]
Questions for DoC – read on! In this post are pictured all the reports the Dept of Conservation have provided in the following link: By Carol Sawyer via Pam Vernon…/2…/testing-shows-no-1080-in-rats/… They say in this report : “Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research tested eight dead rats and one weka. None of […]
“As one falls, two more will take their place.” Democracy does die in darkness and is being strangled in secret, back-door arrangements” In the third part of Glenn’s special series on the REAL Ukraine scandal, the team’s research exposes a much bigger story of what Democrats were doing in Ukraine. […]