So who isn’t involved in the Elite pedo network? TV entertainers, politicians, church leaders, Royals, and now the Banksters. Hardly surprising really. Westpac Australia CEO Hartzer will be given 12 months’ notice and paid out A$2.7m in salary, but will forfeit all bonuses. Awww, what a jolly shame, such harsh punishment […]

Questions for DoC – read on! In this post are pictured all the reports the Dept of Conservation have provided in the following link: By Carol Sawyer via Pam Vernon…/2…/testing-shows-no-1080-in-rats/… They say in this report : “Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research tested eight dead rats and one weka. None of […]

Microsoft committed to protecting democratic freedoms. Then it funded an Israeli facial recognition firm that secretly watched West Bank Palestinians. By Olivia Solon NBC News Microsoft has invested in a startup that uses facial recognition to surveil Palestinians throughout the West Bank, in spite of the tech giant’s public pledge […]

Although DoC said it’s ‘UNLIKELY’ the deaths of 600+ rats found at a Westport beach were caused by 1080, independent lab testing confirms they “ALMOST CERTAINLY” were. EWR by Carol Sawyer Via Pam Vernon, Envirowatch Rangitikei 1 – 3 November, 2019 – The Dept of Conservation aerially drops 104 tonnes […]
