I doubt whether you’ll see this on the BBC! (Or TVNZ for that matter). Please spread far and wide and fight the lie! Posted on 2 Oct 2019 by Iowa Climate Science Education By Paul Homewood Lost amid the coverage of Swedish teen activist Greta Thunberg at last week’s U.N. […]
Corporate Corruption
This reeks of a Chinese-style Social Credit system in the making! By MassPrivateI Today, I give you a frightening story about free speech censorship and watchlists just in time for the countdown to Halloween. A recent article in The Tennessean reveals how the Williamson County School District (WCS) is monitoring […]
Don’t know about a Nobel Prize my dear. Perhaps an Oscar might be more appropriate. However, as this clip demonstrates, she’s a very different girl without her script and handler. Greta Thunberg without a script to read from.. 58,639 views •Sep 25, 2019 David Icke discusses the dark side of […]
“Trumped up” charges and desperate law-bending to attempt impeachment indicate a desperate attack on the POTUS. How did it come to this point? Here’s the full time line of events. By Martin Harris 30/9/19 NZ time The shock victory: Defeating Democrat candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton, Donald J. Trump wins the […]
If you hear an unfounded statement often enough, you might just start believing that it’s true. Matthew WarrenBPS Research DigestThu, 12 Sep 2019 10:29 UTC This phenomenon, known as the “illusory truth effect”, is exploited by politicians and advertisers — and if you think you are immune to it, you’re […]
Read the following article and “new” theory carefully. Read between the lines. But first here’s my thoughts: This subject is something I’ve encountered before with regards to many ancient civilisations. Climate change (usually cooling) is linked to a downfall. This has nothing to do with human induced climate change and […]
As the 10-year anniversary of the horrific Deepwater Horizon oil spill approaches, the area’s ocean floor has been transformed into a fetid wasteland coated in tar and populated by handfuls of deformed, tumor-ridden crustaceans. Elias Marat September 25, 2019 By Elias Marat The explosion on a BP oil platform in […]
Whatever one may believe about the dangers of CO2 and risks of global warming creating a global catastrophe of 1.5 to 2 degree Celsius average temperature rise in the next roughly 12 years, it is worth noting who is promoting the current flood of propaganda and climate activism. F. William […]
I am altering the deal, pray I don’t alter it any further. – Darth Vader, The Empire Strikes Back Article authored by: Tom LuongoGold Goats ‘n GunsTue, 24 Sep 2019 You know I think there are no coincidences in politics. Everything happens on a particular schedule. So when I see […]
Across the US, hundreds of people have come down with a severe and mysterious respiratory illness that seems to be linked to vaping the act of inhaling vapor produced by a vaporizer or electronic cigarette which has surged in popularity in recent years. Sott.netSat, 21 Sep 2019 The FDA announced […]