MURDER Inc. & cover up at the highest level. The BS that was reported was VERY different from the facts and evidence. The spotlight on the JFK, RFK, & 911 murders must NOT end until the REAL killers are brought to justice! On July 16, 1999, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Junior […]
Corporate Corruption
Gifts or bribes? asks Pam Vernon. Perhaps the recipients should follow the lead of the Muslim Community and return these “gifts” rather than drinking from the poisoned chalice? MH May 23, 2019 Pam Vernon Envirowatch Rangitikei These were formerly termed bribes. Gifts sounds better though doesn’t it? Not so borderline […]
As a frequent visitor to the West Coast, I can personally vouch for the near total disappearance of Kea in areas where there formerly hundreds. Ironically, DOC has signs, information placards and visitor centres telling tourists all about these clever and inquisitive parrots. Shame the tourists can’t learn about them […]
Will the Trade War turn “kinetic”? Personally I doubt it: China knows the US is “master” of military warfare and they will do everything to avoid that scenario. China’s speciality is economic warfare. I suspect by the tone of the Huawei communications, the US may have beaten them at their […]
“We travel together, passengers on a little spaceship, dependent upon its vulnerable reserves of air and soil, all committed for our safety to its security and peace; preserved from annihilation only by the care, the work, and, I will say, the love we give our fragile craft. We cannot maintain […]
They came to Christchurch to escape terror in the Middle East, but terror found them where they least expected it. But it seems we can not give them time to grieve their loss, nor the decency to consult them. Instead their tragedy, which has affected all in Christchurch, is being […]
While this study is US-focused, it applies to Mainstream Media across the board, and is very noticeable here in NZ. There is more and more opinion and obvious bias creeping in, mostly displaying a Socialist “narrative” style, despite most of the MSM here being signed up to the Media Council […]
Probably not much, is the short answer. By Martin Harris, 12/5/19 A recent UN report claims that “up to a million species of plants and animals are declining at a rate previously unseen in human history.” Well, that’s hardly surprising. It’s being blamed on climate change. Again, hardly surprising. “Human […]
The dark side of “digital parenting”. Is there really a bright side? Have we really become so dependent upon AI that we rely on machines, data collecting machines, to raise and interact with one’s child? Surely time spent with our youngsters is the most precious of times. Frank Herbert’s fictional […]
Blocking payments to individuals or groups by financial service firms impedes freedom of speech in a free society, journalist Ben Swann has told RT, following reports that MasterCard is allegedly on course to censor the far-right. Published time: 3 May, 2019 04:13 Edited time: 3 May, 2019 08:38 The New […]