Something is very wrong with the ‘Big Picture’. When tens of trillions of dollars; an unimaginable sum for most, sits dormant in tax havens, we’ve got a huge problem. What’s the solution? By Martin Harris 26/4/19 Corporate corruption. Greed. Like the dragons of legend, the Elites sit on vast hoards […]
Corporate Corruption
Yes, it’s time for another refreshingly un-PC opinion piece from G Squared! Consume, obey, enjoy:) In Dec. 1997 The Mayor of a major city read an Islamic poem in a public speech. In 1999 he was found guilty and gaoled for four months for ‘Inciting HATRED (Hate Speech) based on […]
“Historians like to tell the story of back when all the computers were linked together to become a super computer that knows everything. They had a big ceremony where they turned on the computer and asked it a question no one has ever answered adequately. They turned the switch on […]
Always happy to assist with a worthy cause, and among the many, many petitions I am asked to sign, some I feel worthy of giving further publicity by posting here. This is one of them (obviously!) Dear Martin, Last year was the first time I ever went to a […]
A definite “Must watch”! Beyond Censorship: Destroying Free Thought Online Truthstream Media Truthstream Can Be Found Here: Our Film: Site: Twitter: @TruthstreamNews Backup Vimeo: DONATE: Newsletter: ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes […]
The next big evolutionary Orwellian technology is coming. Soon you will be able to implant yourself with a brain chip to be super smart, CBS Chicagoreported. March 7, 2019 | Aaron Kesel | | “The program, Neural Engineering System Design (NESD), stands to dramatically enhance research capabilities in neurotechnology and provide a […]
For those not in the know, Anne Marie Brady, the author of important works on NZ’s relationship with China, has been the victim of apparent threats and sabotage which the government seems rather reticent to address. The Canterbury University professor has been the subject of international calls for protection following home […]
March to Save Our Water in Christchurch on Saturday 9th March Dear friend, Four weeks ago we heard that Cloud Ocean Water – the water bottling company that has already drilled a 184m deep bore hole into the pristine, aquifer that supplies Christchurch’s drinking water – has bought another […]
Cardinal George Pell has been found guilty and is set to be jailed for child sexual abuse in the most sensational verdict since the Catholic Church became engulfed in worldwide abuse scandals. By Adam Cooper Pell, who was Vatican treasurer, close to the Pope and the most senior Catholic figure […]
Those poor kids, brainwashed by the UN Agenda 2030 and IPCC lies. Black Conservative Patriot Published on Feb 23, 2019 Subscribed 187K What are your thoughts? Share them below! #BCP#NEWS#BCPNEWS For More Content or to Support this channel: Subscribe to my back up channel:… Email: Twitter: @Black_C_Patriot […]