Thanks to the notoriously brutal working conditions at its fulfillment centers, Amazon has become a lighting rod of criticism from the American labor movement and the Democratic Socialists of America, who claim to champion the rights of workers (despite the fact that most of the organization’s members are college students […]
Corporate Corruption
Delightful story from the wonderful world of Mysterious Universe.(Great site, please support them) How typically Russian. Masters of bluffery! Brett TingleyDecember 15, 2018 Oh, Russia, don’t ever change. While China, Japan, and the U.S. continue to make great strides in robotics, Russia…well, isn’t quite there yet. Throughout 2016 and 2017, […]
Somebody out there apparently does not want President Trump to make a trade deal with China. Just after U.S. and Chinese officials agreed to suspend the implementation of new tariffs for 90 days, one of China’s most important tech executives was literally kidnapped as she was changing planes in Canada. […]
China on Saturday summoned the Canadian ambassador over the “unconscionable and vile” detention of telecom giant Huawei’s chief financial officer in Vancouver, state media reported, in Beijing’s latest angry response to the hot-button case. South China Morning PostSun, 09 Dec 2018 China on Saturday summoned the Canadian ambassador over the […]
WASHINGTON — The dramatic arrest of a Chinese telecommunications executive has driven home why it will be so hard for the Trump administration to resolve its deepening conflict with China. In the short run, the arrest of Huawei’s chief financial officer heightened skepticism about the trade truce that Presidents Donald […]
A new study claims that Google personalizes search results even when a Google user is logged out of their account or browsing “incognito.” Tests for the phrases “gun control,” “immigration,” and “vaccinations” all provided different results for different test users which could reportedly not be explained by changes in location […]
The major question concerning the Clinton Foundation is not that it has apparently become the largest unprosecuted fraud ever, but rather why it is taking so long to expose, prosecute and convict those responsible? Wall Street analyst Charles Ortel sat down to answer this and other questions with Sputnik. Ekaterina […]
The Chinese scientist who claimed to have created the world’s first gene-edited babies, He Jiankui, is missing after his former employers denied that he was detained over the weekend, the South China Morning Post reports. By Megan Keller – 12/03/18 A spokeswoman for his former workplace, the Southern University of […]
Communications from certain sources are always interesting, especially communications from Benjamin Fulford. Rothschilds done for? Can we trust the information? The truth is out there if you look hard enough! by Martin Harris It is transparently obvious, for those that have eyes to see, that Fulford supports China’s New World […]
As the 2030 Agenda New World Order rapidly progresses, Auto giant General Motors has announced a restructure to focus on electric cars and autonomous vehicles. by Martin Harris 27/11/18 While this author has made his criticisms of the EV propaganda and underlying “conspiracy” known, I’m more concerned here with the […]