Ahoy mateys: A motley crew of piratical scallywags have sailed this ship! A superb bit of detective work and on-the spot fieldwork by Ben Vidgen that takes in the Kashoggis, Ghislaine Maxwell, Trump, the Clintons and Hong Kong minister Patrick Ho Chi-ping, the United Nations, and the common demoninator; a […]
Especially watch the geoengineering and weather mod clips @ 6:30 onwards. Some interesting revelations about weather mod in Australia! Kevin Boyle — YouTube Jan 18, 2020
The most in-depth expose of the Greta Thunberg controversy I have ever read! What follows is the dry text from http://mileswmathis.com/greta.pdf The full text with links and images can be viewed at the source link. Credit goes to author Sven Svenson MH Scrolling through the news headlines.., I noticed this […]
Harvested Alive -Ten year’s investigate of force organ harvesting As a doctor, Zhiyuan Wang spent 30 years studying how to save lives. He never imagined that he would spend another 10 years investigating how doctors killing innocent lives…… Deerpark Studios Welcome to visit our website to know more detail. http://www.harvestedalive.com
A personal account by G Squared 12/12/19 I was present when what became known as The Age Tapes were taken by NSW Police Intel (Remington Bldg. across to The Deputy Commissioner at College St. HQ. He also had THE Intel phone on his desk, which I had cause to access […]
“They use all forms of persuasion to prevent people from speaking out, to silence people. Threats, intimidation, blackmail, financial deprivation. And all types of harassment such as put under intensive surveillance, telephone tapping, all of this. They pull out the stops and they have unlimited funds because those funds are […]
His name is often mentioned, but we’re frequently asked who he actually is and what is his agenda? This article sums things up rather well. MH Hide Out Now – Nov 30, 2019 George Soros has financed abortion on demand, legalization of drugs, and more recently, district attorney races in […]
“As one falls, two more will take their place.” Democracy does die in darkness and is being strangled in secret, back-door arrangements” In the third part of Glenn’s special series on the REAL Ukraine scandal, the team’s research exposes a much bigger story of what Democrats were doing in Ukraine. […]
Superb article from SOTT.net. Hats off to author Luke Baier for a well constructed, hysteria-free bit of research and presentation! MH Luke BaierSott.netTue, 08 Oct 2019 18:35 UTC Does the current wave of climate change hysteria as represented by Greta Thunberg make you feel a bit uneasy? Or maybe you […]
Including “Prometheus” in a topic will get my attention every time. Transhumanist agenda goes way back: Have You Ever Heard of The Prometheus Project? October 5, 2019 Activist Post How much longer will it be where we compare the daily news to “something out of dystopian science fiction” and instead […]