Not really fear-mongering, as there is plenty of truth to the reports. We’ve seen an uptick in Elites flocking to NZ to hunker down in their self-sufficient hideouts. As the header says, it’s time to pay attention (in a calm and rational manner, preferably). What’s really going on? Trouble is, […]

A 2015 Soros-funded think tank predicted a 2020 breakdown of the global food supply following an outbreak — just as Bill Gates’ 2019 “event 201” simulated a global pandemic. Watch the Bill Gates & friends ‘plandemic’ preparedness exercise cum conference held in October 2019 centerforhealthsecurity 4.31K subscribers Selected moments from […]

Hours after threatening to destroy 52 Iranian sites, President Trump went back on Twitter to brag about two trillion dollars’ worth of ‘beautiful’ US military hardware, which he expects will carry out the destruction. RT – Jan 5, 2020 Hours after threatening to destroy 52 Iranian sites, President Trump went […]

Surely you’ve noticed? Like flipping a switch, it’s “global protests time”. Can’t be a coincidence surely? Plenty of muttering about the Usual Suspects: Soros, the Illuminati, the Deep State etc. And quite rightly so. Various interests and players are pulling the levers behind the curtain. Although the Western media seem […]

Like a scenario from a Japanese monster movie come to horrible life. What more fitting way to herald the Radioactive Olympics than a dumping of irradiated water into the Pacific? Attn. Socialists: You want an environmental emergency to wring your hands over? A real one rather than some concocted “climate […]
