Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s half brother Wali has been the source of no small controversy over the past several years. Simultaneously one of the most corrupt and influential politicians in the nation, reportedly a key player in the drug trade and on the CIA payroll, Wali Karzai has come under […]
You can make a difference and a stand to the treatment of the Palestinian people by Israel by not buying any Israeli foods or goods. Shoppers occupied Waitrose supermarket in London in protest over the support for illegal settlements in Israel. Much of the produce sold as ‘Israel’ actually comes […] This is DELIBERATE CHEMICAL TOPDRESSING of an unknown substance over a residential area early Sunday morning, April 4th 2010.. It is NOT a normal contrail left by a jet. To see the scale note the moon at 0:40 to see how thick this trail is. WHO is doing this […]
So where did you spend Passover? Tens of thousands of Israelis were in Sinai. They ignored the Counter-Terrorism Bureau’s warning, yet returned home safe and sound. Other Israelis – wait until you hear this – visited Cairo. I repeat: Cairo! They too returned tired but happy. They too did not […]
Key: Go fuck yourselves New Zealand PRIME Minister John Key unveiled National’s controversial new Fuck Everybody policy this morning during his morning press conference at the Beehive. A triumphant Key, flanked by several large men in sunglasses, took the podium and boldly announced the National/ACT government’s plans for the next […]
In the latest news from Ireland’s BOG (Banker Occupied Government) … Kit Juckes, chief economist at ECU Group Plc, talks with Bloomberg’s Linzie Janis about the outlook for Ireland’s banks after the government set out plans to revive the country’s financial system.
The Rothschilds have been in control of the world for a very long time, their tentacles reaching into many aspects of our daily lives, as is documented in the following timeline. However, before you jump to the timeline, please read this invaluable introduction which will tell you who the Rothschilds […]
[ h / t : Nat ] Using archived stock footage, I tried to paint a picture of the tranquility of everyday life being interrupted by chaotic events such as war. [ yeah -that- chaotic event ] Majority of the war stock footage is from Iwo Jima documentation and the […]
[ This is what Freedom & Democracy looks like ] Millions of Iraqis exist below the poverty line in a country which floats on oil and earned more than $60 billion from oil sales last year, said Mahdi Muhsen, the director of the Central Organization for Statistics and Information Technology. […]
Nine people were killed and more than 400 wounded after violence broke out between protesters and security forces in Bangkok . Thailand’s anti-government demonstrations escalated today, leaving nine people dead, including a journalist. A series of street battles broke when troops tried to seize back control of the parts of […]