Is China’s dominance just smoke and mirrors? Very interesting discussion points in this video! Oslo Freedom Forum Kyle Bass, founder of Hayman Capital Management and expert on the US-China financial relationship, talks with Melissa Chen, New York editor of Spectator USA and founder of Ideas Beyond Borders, about why China’s […]

Bills with wide -ranging implications, “Blunderbus Bills”, are being pushed through under cover of COVID-19 response. One such bill is the “COVID-19 response Further Management Bill” “Omnibus bills are the sawn-off shotgun in Parliament’s legislative weapons rack, and like a blunderbuss are designed to impact as widely as possible. “ […]

New Zealanders are busy are busy patting themselves on the back for our response to COVID19, but someone else did way better! we could all learn something from Taiwan. MH Johns Hopkins University had predicted that Taiwan would have the second most COVID-19 cases in the world, due to its close proximity […]

In 2010,The Rockefeller Foundation published a report which contained a portrayal of four hypothetical “near future” geopolitical scenarios. One of these scenarios, titled The Lock Step Narrative, sounds spine-chillingly familiar. by Martin Harris 21/4/2020 I will provide both a link to the report and screenshots of the relevant portions. The […]

Wise move, Japan: Other nations take note! MH Isabel ReynoldsBloombergWed, 08 Apr 2020 09:26 UTC © AFPJapan Japan has earmarked US$2.2 billion of its record economic stimulus package to help its manufacturers shift production out of China as the coronavirus disrupts supply chains between the major trading partners. The extra […]

“The government never cedes power willingly. Neither should we.” April 2, 2020 By John W. Whitehead “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms — to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”—Viktor Frankl We […]
