Impeachment has been a complete joke from the beginning… The Daily Wire Martin comments: Watching from the outside here in little old New Zealand, I wish these morons could see how pathetic they look with their little mutual-masturbation show. Totally pathetic. Sack the whole Dem party and bring in a […]

Hours after threatening to destroy 52 Iranian sites, President Trump went back on Twitter to brag about two trillion dollars’ worth of ‘beautiful’ US military hardware, which he expects will carry out the destruction. RT – Jan 5, 2020 Hours after threatening to destroy 52 Iranian sites, President Trump went […]

Despite alarmist claims of “catastrophic global warming”, there is no empirical evidence to confirm that or any acceleration in global sea level rise. Notwithstanding this lack of evidence many people, often those with vested interests, still cling to the alarmist beliefs that catastrophic sea level rise is imminent. Dr. John […]
