DeSantis launch failure generated a lot of mockery! Actually, this item is fan made parody, not Trump’s work, but it’s damned funny. Even funnier is the Left are suggesting this is a credible “deepfake”. I guess they can no longer distinguish the difference between satire and reality. Brought that upon […]
Editor’s Choice
Fascinating article reveals not only the reality of a giant race of humans, but how their genes survive today and what it means for us as a “hybrid” human species. MH Author: Robert John Langdon The myths about giants go way back in history, and science fiction has taken such […]
Members of the gay community beginning to speak out against the extremism of the Trans-insanity and child grooming/recruitment. This lady isn’t alone in her condemnation. . Many lesbians, gays and bisexuals are no longer considering themselves to be a part of the LGBTQIA community and are starting to voice opposition […]
Easily the best presentation on the state of the world and its relevance to Orwell I have ever watched. Shocking, confronting, simply superb. This should be required viewing in every school. I can remember when we read 1984 and Animal Farm as warnings. Now trhey are a damned instruction manual. […]
While the MSM in New Zealand crows about Trump’s sexual abuse court case, it serves as a handy distraction from what really matters. MH Former President Donald Trump on Wednesday presented his vision for the country as he fielded questions from voters and a CNN moderator for a town hall […]
A Swiss start-up is partnering with a Spanish government programme to develop its hypersonic passenger planes. By Luke Hurst • Updated: 10/04/2023 Destinus’ Eiger Prototype which conducted its maiden flight on April 13th, 2022 – Copyright Destinus Flying across the world from Europe to a destination such as Australia currently takes around 20 hours in a […]
You could say the experiment fell flat. A tad embarrassing. MH A famous Flat Earther spent a staggering $20,000 on a DIY experiment that accidentally proved the planet is round. Bob Knodel was in the middle of filming for a Netflix documentary titled Behind the Curve when he realised his […]
How did Elon Musk build Tesla? Did Elon build Tesla? Superb documentary exposes the truth behind the narrative. Might make you think twice about this man, who has gone from entrepreneur to Twitter “far-right” boogeyman, to rising techno-messiah. MH As always, please visit YouTube and give the uploader a […]
The only thing that separates a hero whistleblower from a dirty traitor is the treatment they receive from the Mainstream Media, (usually based on the timing and subject matter) argues Mike Stone. A look at examples from recent history appear to prove his point. Martin When your country has been […]
Dad who won’t be silenced or distracted is a fine example for us all. Courageous and never loses focus despite his obvious passion and in the face of repeated diversions and derailment attempts. A true hero! Dad DEMOLISHES Woke School Board Trying to SILENCE HIM 72,365 views Apr 10, […]