For pioneering the first alternatives to the extraterrestrial hypothesis for UFOs, Jacques Vallée has earned a reputation as the grandfather of the “new” ufology, and he’s inspired a generation of ufologists to explore a whole new set of questions about the UFO phenomenon. Support us on Patreon: Donate on […]
Editor’s Choice
Two papers show viruses that are large enough to be seen with an optical microscope. A third paper shows all of Koch’s postulates satisfied for SARS-CoV-2 published in Nature. We’re done. BY: Steve Kirsch Executive summary This is my last post on this. I want to be perfectly clear what […]
CDC Director Rochelle Walensky spoke at a press briefing Monday in which she acknowledged an apparent link between those who believe in high-level government shadow conspiracies and not having Myocarditis. Your Friday dose of satire Kindly forwarded by Jon Eisen… According to the CDC’s findings, “total nutjobs” appear to be […]
A “Must watch” as Peterson covers a wide variety of Twitter-related topics (Including the Trump ban) with brutal honesty. Whether you agree with him or not, Peterson’s forthright manner and courage in the face of cowardly censorship are refreshing. MH On June 22, 2022, Dr Jordan B Peterson posted a […]
A Left Wing Socialist government protecting pedophiles. Illuminati rituals, mass protests and elite corruption. Even a connection to Big Pharma with Prozac and fluoride…This well crafted documentary exposes a story many may never have heard, but serves as a warning to the world, MH Hidden away deep within the forests […]
Well, who saw this coming? Anyone with half a brain perhaps…MH See also:
Some days it is just painful. From NZTSOS via FreeNZ Author: Kassandra It’s tough to get out of bed, to pretend to my kids that everything is OK, and that our country is a safe and fair place to live. I cannot count the times when I have completely melted […]
Uncensored Magazine editor Jon Eisen appearing with Guy Williams on the light hearted Current Affairs show New Zealand today. (reposting due to a technical hitch, MH) Bear in mind this is a satire/comedy oriented show so don’t expect anything too deep, nor take too much offense; just enjoy the show! […]
It speaks for itself. And who discusses the alleged 9/11 Pentagon crash anymore anyhow? Never Forget! Kimiko_Komatsu 628 subscribers
Last week, University College London researchers did a landmark review “The serotonin theory of depression: a systematic umbrella review of the evidence.” The authors said they found ‘no convincing evidence’ of a link between low serotonin levels and depression. Sott.netWed, 10 Aug 2022 The popularity of the “chemical imbalance” theory […]