Another one gone: The net closes in! MH Shane TrejoBig Leauge PoliticsThu, 21 Nov 2019 23:03 UTC The rabbit hole goes deep. Steven Robert Setzer, a former U.S. Marine Corps pilot who once escorted former President Bill Clinton on the crew of the Marine One, is facing years in prison […]
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Amazing interview speaks for itself! Shaun Attwood Watch full interview here:… Activist Sonia Poulton explores the history of elite paedophiles. Sonia on YouTube… Sonia on Twitter: Watch more true crime podcasts:… Sonia’s websites: Sonia’s docs: The McCanns and The Police…
“As one falls, two more will take their place.” Democracy does die in darkness and is being strangled in secret, back-door arrangements” In the third part of Glenn’s special series on the REAL Ukraine scandal, the team’s research exposes a much bigger story of what Democrats were doing in Ukraine. […]
“There are real problems with this agenda, however. The first is that it’s dangerous, in exactly the manner it is hypothetically designed to fight. ” Jordan Peterson Dr. Jordan Petersonjordanbpeterson.comTue, 19 Nov 2019 19:27 UTC If you are a Canadian faculty member, there is a reasonable chance that you recently […]
Do the global warming wars ever change anyone’s mind? From I suppose there are a few people whose minds have been changed. As I recall, Judith Curry has said Climategate (now “celebrating” its 10 year anniversary) was her wake-up call that institutionalized climate science might not be all it […]
Professor Robert Pickard, emeritus professor of neurobiology at Cardiff University, said the agricultural industry had been ‘the butt of an enormous journalistic effort to sell copy by producing totally indefensible headlines’ about red meat causing cancer. Abi KayFarmers GuardianMon, 11 Nov 2019 00:01 UTC Prof Pickard also hit out at […]
Man tells how he underwent gender reassignment surgery to become a woman, then de-transitioned BACK to a man and now says people with identity issues need therapy – not a sex change Walt Heyer, 79, underwent gender reassignment surgery to become a woman in 1983, when he was 43 years old […]
“My name is Sue, how do you do?” (Johnny Cash “a boy named Sue”) We’ve seen a few examples of common sense fighting back against the lunacy lately, and speaking of Sue, Here’s the latest: Levon SevuntsRadio Canada InternationalTue, 05 Nov 2019 21:10 UTC © iStock A Canadian couple have […]
In a story that shouldn’t be that hard to figure out, men shouldn’t be competitive in women’s sports. In fact they shouldn’t be allowed to compete as women at all. Matt CouchThe DC PatriotTue, 08 Oct 2019 00:01 UTC It’s literally the epitome of a 7th grader playing on a […]
Stand aside Greta Thunberg: This young lady has got you sussed, and the in fact the whole agenda you represent. It gives me hope to see young people who can still think for themselves (other than the three I have at home!) MH What is really happening in Sweden, Greta? […]