Thai cave rescue: Window narrows before heavy rains Dr. Peter Lin: “And I wish we could do what they did in Beijing, which was they seeded the clouds to get rid of the rain for the Olympics. If we could seed these monsoon clouds, I don’t know if that’s possible, […]
Editor’s Choice
Hats off to author Gerard Tidmarsh, a well balanced, common sense article from the MSM! (Personally I think the labour Government is doing the right thing by calling an end to oil exploration in NZ waters. what do you think?) Is seismic testing a contributory factor in making whales strand? […]
A David Icke fan’s dream: a tour of London with the Man himself. This Dot-Connector special is Icke at his knowledgeable best! David Icke Published on Jun 29, 2018
Must Read! Author Trevor Ward has a Finance background which gives him an understanding of the mechanics of Carbon Trading, and of course it’s all about the profit! The Blood & Gore of Climate Science By Trevor Ward So how did the campaign start to brand Carbon Dioxide (CO2) “environmental […]
Let’s face it: We need all the trees we can get. Better for the planet than all the carbon taxes and smoke and mirrors “solutions” that trade one source of pollution for another. Always good to bring you some positive news from unexpected areas and sources: The ‘Billion Tree Tsunami’ […]
Must Watch Documentary: White genocide unreported by the MSM in South Africa? Excellently presented and well researched. Lauren Southern Published on Jun 25, 2018 Subscribe 550K Thank you for watching! Please share to spread the word. Website: Twitter: Facebook:… Instagram: You can support my work via: […]
Did he go to the moon or not? either way, something is brewing in the Aldrin Clan, and it appears a “third party” may “using” Buzz’s Social Media accounts to create a rift. What’s going on here? Here’s some excerpts from an article by Legendary astronaut Buzz Aldrin sues […]
Looks like the Obama facade may be chipping around the edges! As wit all things controversial, do your own follow up research and “Think For Yourself”! 4 Simple questions… If the TRUTH ever comes out that Obama was never eligible to be president, what happens to all the laws he […]
It’s been a while a while since I last heard Icke speak on the subject of reptoids and interdimensionals, and this is a beaut: He sums up the “big picture” nicely. In case one is inclined to think this something new or just Icke’s personal “take” on things, UFO and […]
Great documentary. well narrated. Must watch! Disclosed TruthTV Published on May 31, 2018 Our history is not what we think! Over the past few thousand years, someone or something has warped our own history. Our versions of the past has been mistranslated, changed, altered, and skewed to fit someone […]