While Peace-prize winning President Barack Obama and the Western media lied in concert to the world regarding America’s role in supporting terrorists operating in Syria, it is now revealed that the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has been shipping weapons to Syria via NATO-member Turkey and Jordan since at least […]
Editor’s Choice
[ … and it couldn’t happen to a nicer guy well … maybe John Bolton … ] Article
“We are being given lessons in morality [by world leaders] while tens of thousands are being killed, while whole countries are shattered, while whole civilizations are driven back decades, if not centuries,” Roy says. “And everything continues as normal.” . Transcript & Source here
Before we can address the debt crisis, we have to understand how it happened. The source of the debt crisis is two-fold: Fractional Reserve Lending Fed (central banks in general) Everything else is a sideshow, but few realize it. Read more at https://globaleconomicanalysis.blogspot.com/2013/03/can-we-fix-whats-wrong-with-banking.html#ygOyhFjdOmz2I7Y1.99
The so-called public health agencies of the US corporate government have been secretly involved in the creation of bioweaponized virulent cancer viruses and methods to deploy them – including bioweaponized vaccinations and electromagnetic resonance technologies – since at least the early 1960s. Read the rest here
Young immigrants find the German capital to be hip and cheap – and still contains traces of its Jewish past. Their new life began four hours by plane away from Tel Aviv. “It’s strange,” says Avisar Lev, 35. “I immediately felt at home in Berlin, for the first time in […]
There is a new trend in the ‘war on terror’ by the real world terror that is the US, Israeli and Western governments, and it is called ‘bomb them just in case’. With the looming threat of an attack on ‘innocent’ Iran, it is the same premise of ‘bomb them just […]
Hi. All images are shot or broadcast during 2004.
Dozens of Syrian soldiers who had crossed into Iraq for refuge were ambushed Monday with bombs, guns and rocket-propelled grenades [ that were purchased from someone ] in an attack that killed 48 of them and heightened concerns that the country could be drawn into Syria’s civil war. . [ … even […]
US and Western Governments are stepping up the arming and funding of Syrian rebels to do the dirty job of ousting President Assad for them. This is still an act of murder by aiding and abetting, by getting someone else to do it for you, and it is cheaper, less messy and […]