For the record. Take a screenshot, save, share widely. Show the world what Ardern’s partner Mr. Gayford is really like. We’ll let you find your own adjectives/expletives. “Talk to friends, talk to family, talk to neighbours & extended whanau, beg them, bribe them, wear them down, hold out visits from […]
Editor’s Comment
Oh thank you Aunty Cindy. I’m soooo grateful for your permission to utilise my friend’s bathroom facilities. I’ll be sure to think of you while I’m on the loo engaged in my business. Love from your adoring fan, Martin. Don’t you love the premise that she had the power to […]
Trust him. he’s an expert!
What you’ve got to look forward to New Zealand. Note the SIX booster shots lined up in this signage from Ireland, only two of which have been ticked so far. Welcome to your Digital Prison all those who signed up this tyranny. Your former freedoms are now a “privilege”. …and […]
This on my morning newsfeed. Newsroom lets the cat out of the bag. My goodness they are getting bold aren’t they? Actually talking about their New World Order openly. Last time they were this bold was the early 1990s. Just before the madness began. MH
Boris Johnson, the notoriously oddball PM of the UK, appears to be having a few technical issues. After a bizarre (even by Boris standards) performance recently, one has to wonder the Prime Minister is beginning to suffer the long term neurological effects of his COVID jab? Boris Johnson compares himself […]
An ocean of humanity with one voice: “Freedom”! An overwhelming turnout reminds we fighters for freedoms that we are not alone; there are many thousands of us and the number keeps growing. Martin Harris 20/11/21 Once again and this time despite provocation, a peaceful protest. We were warned at the […]
Freedom coming for some, imprisonment for others. But not in the way you might think. This author had to endure much laughter today. Its fine. I laughed the loudest. This was the day the Pizerized ones got their applications for the digital ID system implemented under the Coronavirus Vaccination ID […]
COVID pervades everything right now. Out of necessity, we’ve been focusing on the here and now and the immediate threat to our freedoms taking place via the Plandemic. But we’ve always maintained there’s a contingency plan waiting in the wings should all else fail… The famous Lock Step Scenario, which […]
Despite the rain, thousands participated. Next weekend there will be thousands more. Freedom is our call. Now is the time. People from all backgrounds, all walks of life, put aside their differences to protest a common adversary. An adversary that speaks of love, inclusivity and diversity, yet practices hatred, division […]