Another term of Comrade Ardern. Rather predictable really. Another election result based on a combination of manufactured personality and feelings-over-facts politics. As one analyst said on the radio a few days ago “you can’t run a country based on feelings”. Nope, but you can sure run a country’s economy into […]
Editor’s Comment
Illuminati pyramids surround a performance featuring hospital beds and sinister figures. But an army of Mary Poppins saves the day! A bizarre show in the 2012 London Olympics could well be interpreted as precursor to the COVID ‘plandemic’. There’s even a rather Boris Johnson-like puppet character as well as a […]
There can be little doubt: The New World Order is taking shape rapidly in the wake of the COVID “Plandemic”. But how will the world be re-organised? by Martin Harris 11/10/20 Regular readers will be familiar with the basics of The Kalergi Plan which involved dividing the world into five […]
In case you hadn’t heard, he’s tested positive for COVID. by Martin Harris 3/10/20 Like many others, I sense a plan. A small number of Trump fans (mostly from the Q camp), have whispered to the author several times over the last few months, that the US President is going […]
The agenda to eradicate Christchurch. by Martin Harris 2/10/20 Ten years ago a series of powerful earthquakes (themselves the subject of much controversy) demolished much of central Christchurch and Eastern suburbs. The subsequent ongoing rebuild has been subject to much political muddling and meddling. Now, it seems even the name […]
Typical Left Wing MSM response to opposition: “Bury head in sand and pretend it isn’t happening”. Sad. Pathetic. MH Hugo Talks MSM Totally IGNORE Trafalgar Square Crowds #london#lockdown Forty to Fifty Thousand estimated crowd, and it isn’t newsworthy? Astounding. Does this not demonstrate how corrupt and biased the MSM truly […]
Who cares? But let’s take look anyhow… by Martin Harris 28/9/2020 WHO says 2 million coronavirus deaths is ‘not impossible’ as world approaches 1 million It’s “not impossible” that the coronavirus death toll could double if countries don’t uniformly work to suppress the virus’ spread, the World Health Organization said […]
NAZI Germany. Stalinist Russia. Communist China. The COVID World Order. What’s the difference? All based on fear. Fear is bred through ignorance. It came to this because we warned the people and they wouldn’t listen. Knowledge is power, but they sat back and failed to utilise that knowledge.Instead, they listen […]
“ NZ has one of the highest per capita density of epidemiologists in the world.” Says the University of Otago. Hello? Where are you all? by Martin Harris 10/9/20 The only reason I ask is because whenever I turn on the TV or radio or read a paper or MSM news […]