Hours after threatening to destroy 52 Iranian sites, President Trump went back on Twitter to brag about two trillion dollars’ worth of ‘beautiful’ US military hardware, which he expects will carry out the destruction. RT – Jan 5, 2020 Hours after threatening to destroy 52 Iranian sites, President Trump went […]
Editor’s Comment
While the Mainstream Media bleats about Climate Change and interviews clueless Extinction Rebellion protestors, here’s what’s really causing Aussie’s drought! Bush fires are a normal part of the natural cycle, but when the ground is this dry, things quickly get out of hand. PAY ATTENTION NEW ZEALAND: We could be […]
This sounds suspiciously like ionospheric heating at work! Both Russia and China were recently bragging about constructing apparatus to steal the title from Alaska’s HAARP : Could this “new type of aurora” be the first tests? MH Unique interaction in Earth’s magnetosphere causes new type of auroras Sputnik NewsThu, 26 […]
Meet L Ron Hubbard. He was a hell of a sci-fi author. And quite the puppeteer. Opinion by Martin Harris 13/12/19 Hubbard was also the founder of Scientology. Some people see Scientology as a harmless, wacky cult. Others see it a dangerous organisation. One thing’s for sure: Scientology targets the […]
Despite bleating about a “climate emergency”, the UN has failed to put it’s money where it’s mouth is. $4.1 million dollars isn’t going to save the world! by Martin Harris 7/12/19 In the endless series of “indoctrination” movies Hollywood pumps out, everything from hostile extra-terrestrials to asteroids to Mayan prophecies […]
Six degrees of separation? With the Elite and the Mainstream Media it seems considerably less! Yes, Gavin Newsome, Is Nancy Pelosi’s Nephew. And Yes, Adam Schiff’s Sister Is Married To George Soros Son. And Yes, John Kerry’s only child, Daughter, Is Married To A “Mullah’s Son In Iran………… And remember […]
Two weeks out from Brexit here comes the Muslim-with-a-fake-suicide-vest-and-knife routine. What’s a known terrorist doing wandering the streets of London with electronic monitoring anyhow? Didn’t stop him did it? by Martin Harris 1/12/19 The man shot by police on London Bridge has died at the scene, Britain’s top counter-terrorism officer […]
This review of the movie “Ford v Ferrari” (which is about the auto industry in the 1960s) frowned on the fact that it mostly featured “straight white men”. It also called the entire auto industry a “patriarchal wasteland”. This is the sad state of “movie critics” today. By Vigilant Citizen […]
So who isn’t involved in the Elite pedo network? TV entertainers, politicians, church leaders, Royals, and now the Banksters. Hardly surprising really. Westpac Australia CEO Hartzer will be given 12 months’ notice and paid out A$2.7m in salary, but will forfeit all bonuses. Awww, what a jolly shame, such harsh punishment […]
1080 poison stance illustrates the opposing agendas within the current NZ coalition government. And highlights something bigger in the Geopolitical scene! By Martin Harris Great news, one should think, that NZ First has launched a $3.5 million initiative to reduce the use of 1080 and replace with more species specific […]