Like a scenario from a Japanese monster movie come to horrible life. What more fitting way to herald the Radioactive Olympics than a dumping of irradiated water into the Pacific? Attn. Socialists: You want an environmental emergency to wring your hands over? A real one rather than some concocted “climate […]
Editor’s Comment
The facts you need to know about the latest announcement in the never-ending media-monster circus. Are there real monsters behind the hype? by Martin Harris Since long before the author took a direct interest in geopolitics and the New World Order, I’ve been a keen student of Cryptozoology. So I […]
Who remembers the note or letter that all the Elite cronies received at GHWB’s funeral and the “oh shit” look on their faces? I’ve been thinking for a while that maybe it was all about Epstein and all those who associated with him? One can only speculate…for now. MH Secret […]
Who’s pulling the strings? Television New Zealand’s reporting of the Hong Kong riots is a cause for considerable concern By Martin Harris 1/9/19 As the Hong Kong protests enter yet another week unabated, the contrast in mainstream news coverage is rather extraordinary in it’s contrasts. This morning, Al Jazeera’s coverage […]
Suicide? Assassination? False Flag? If he’s alive, then where is he hiding? We examine the controversial Epstein “gurney photo” and join some dots to present some interesting speculation! By Martin Harris 24/8/19 I doubt there are too many well informed and awake readers here who buy the official suicide story. […]
“Make Mud, Not War”! Yes, it’s half a century since the US government made it rain on the Hippies. by Martin Harris 16/8/19 Arguably the world’s greatest music and youth-culture festival. Peace, love and mind altering substances! Apparently the US military didn’t approve, and decided to test their cloud-seeding capabilities […]
Idiocy plummets to new depths. Is there any end to this madness? Well, not if we remain complacent and allow it to happen. Terrible things are going on in this world and we’re so dumbed down we’re wringing hands over TV ads allegedly promoting “harmful” stereotypes. And the second point: […]
Watching TV One News tonight, the reporting bias was (as expected) disgusting. Great show was made of Trump’s former association with Epstein, but no mention of Trump cutting ties with the convicted pedophile several years ago. NO MENTION WHATSOEVER of Epstein’s ties with the Clintons. Shame on you TVNZ! Earlier […]
The powder-keg situation in Hong Kong sends ripples around the world. Here in NZ, the right to protest highlights Chinese interference in New Zealand politics. Good on David Seymour for taking action to address the situation. More than 100 gather for Hong Kong protest at the University of Auckland Hong […]
zugzwang[ tsook-tsvahng ]noun Chess. a situation in which a player is limited to moves that cost pieces or have a damaging positional effect. by Martin Harris 3/8/19 An extraordinary situation is taking place in Hong Kong. Handed back to China in 1997 after many years of British Colonial rule, Hong […]