Something is very wrong with the ‘Big Picture’. When tens of trillions of dollars; an unimaginable sum for most, sits dormant in tax havens, we’ve got a huge problem. What’s the solution? By Martin Harris 26/4/19 Corporate corruption. Greed. Like the dragons of legend, the Elites sit on vast hoards […]
Editor’s Comment
Released 7 years ago, this short animated movie by Heliophant has been discussed, dissected and decoded many times now. In light of recent events, I felt it is time to take another look at some scenes and speculate upon their meaning. I do not intend to attempt a full analysis […]
Now a 16 year old girl has the knowledge, wisdom and experience to endorse the actions of a “Climate Activist” group called The Extinction Rebellion, and everyone takes notice. Not a scientist, nor even a TV presenter with saint-like standing (see below), but a teenage girl. Yes, she’s smart, she’s […]
The end is nigh: Who will save us? Read this pamphlet: Salvation is at hand for those who will listen! For those of us old enough to remember the decades of the 60s and 70s, these messages will sound familiar. Martin Harris 17/4/19 (be sure to check out all the […]
You’ve all seen the dramatic images on mainstream media. The magnificent and world famous Notre Dame cathedral disintegrating in a hellish inferno. For this author, it all echoes of the destruction by earthquake of so many churches here in Christchurch, especially the iconic Anglican Cathedral. By Martin Harris 16/4/19 Was […]
The following article from Live Science addresses something that has quietly concerned me for some time: While the Pacific “Ring of Fire” became highly active in 2010-2011 and has remained busy ever since, California, which should have been shaking along with all the rest, has remained almost dormant, as this […]
Yup, I’m going full-throttle “conspiracy” mode on this one! We’ve seen all the UN elements taking shape: Earthquakes and “resilient cities”, terror attacks, mass population displacements (migration), austerity/sustainability measures, and the ramping up of wireless technologies. We even have political figures attaining almost religious reverance! All that’s missing is the […]
Time to wake up. Beethoven’s Ode To Joy blares uncomfortably loudly from the Monitor to inform you of this fact. A different tune plays in your mind: Pink Floyd’s Comfortably Numb. By Martin Harris, 6/4/19 Hello, is there anybody in there? Open your eyes and look around. Living (if you […]
Thomas Jefferson once wrote that truth “has nothing to fear from” conflict. But the truth will not prevail in a world that prevents the conflict of ideas by suppressing speech. Little plans fast-track review of hate speech laws ..Hate speech has been used to punish and exclude people for hundreds […]
Good on these parents for standing up to this madness. Primary school children being subjected to minority group agendas under the pretext of “respect and tolerance”? More like a recruitment drive in my opinion. And thankfully we still live in a country where one can freely express an opinion. Even […]