Heaven in ancient times was the abode of wrathful deities who gave us signs of ill omen in the night sky, and sometimes punishment by fire and brimstone. Science has opened our eyes to the heavens and what’s up there, but science also brought us a new reason to look […]

Vax by aerosol has been the subject of hoaxes several times in the past, but this time there’s some substance to the story. Read on… From mercola.com Video Link Story at-a-glance Yale University researchers have developed a new airborne method for delivering mRNA right to your lungs. The team has also […]

Hawaii aftermath has resulted in a lot of videos both new and old being recommended unsolicited to the feeds of many interested parties, myself among them. More than one commenter in the YT community has wondered if we finally have a friend on the inside at YouTube? Martin CRAZY VIDEO! […]

A recent revelation in Australian parliament reveals the creeping and insidious harnessing of school-age children as state informants. “We’re coming for your children!” was the alarming chant heard loud and clear at one “Rainbow” march captured on video recently. As the LGBTQ+ movement is but one tentacle of a communist […]
