Something has changed dramatically. First the “thaw” in North/South Korea relationships, and now Trump’s shift in tone towards North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Editor’s Comment
What exactly Is President Trump’s powerfully worded EO 13818? Why has it attracted so much fake news and debunking attention?
“All the signs were there” according to Dutchsinse: Here’s some videos:
I have long maintained that someone, somewhere, had foreknowledge of the 2011 Christchurch earthquake, and that it may have been artificially triggered. The “coincidences” surrounding the events at the time, coupled with the Clinton “And on cue” Email, suggested strongly that this was the case. I always have an […]
Get ’em hooked, call it a disorder, and put ’em through the medical mill. KA CHING!$$$$! Here’s two MSM stories that clearly point to an agenda in the works:
Big on imagery, short on words: Think For Yourself! Martin H.
Trump is providing sensational fodder for the MSM yet again: ReTweeting “Far Right” videos to open up discussion about Muslim extremism. Paranoia-mongering or valid concerns? Terror can come from within as well as from outside, regardless of what walls one builds. Should we start “walling” the internet? Novus Ordo […]
OK so this is all over the MSM. 3200 Phaeton, an interesting and unusual space object (but is it really an asteroid…!!!) is making a close pass by Earth shortly. Scanning through the reports, either this object’s size is becoming larger (from 1 mile to 3 miles to 5kms) or, […]
By Martin Harris Between the corporate madness of my day job and the fascinating but generally serious world of Uncensored News, I sometimes need to distract the old brain matter with some light entertainment. Ironically, it was one such occasion that inspired the composing of this blog. Anyone familiar with […]